Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Gnomelets Have Taken Over

Mama gnome apologizes for her long absence in her garden.

Young gnomelets have taken over the mother gnome's life.

They take up almost all of Mama gnome's waking and sleeping hour.

Mama gnome would like to share this wonderful video.

Please watch this magical show of starlings in flight.

Murmuration from Sophie Windsor Clive on Vimeo.

The year is coming to an end.

Mama gnome hopes to tend to her garden a lot more often next year.

In the meantime, please tend to our garden planet Earth and go green.

(c)Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mama gnome vs. Plastic Bag Monster 2011

The ancient clock chimed and Mama gnome sat bolt upright in bed.

Her pointy hat fell off and landed in a bucket on the floor.

Mama gnome reached down to pick up her hat ignoring the pains in her joints.

She solemnly placed her pointy hat on her bedhead hair and thought,

"There will be a time for aches and pains later. Today, something else will get its come uppance."

For that fateful morning was not any other ordinary morning.

It was the dawn of Mama gnome versus Plastic Bag Monster, Battle 2011!

Every year in the month of September, the gnome family participates in the momentous Coastal Cleanup Day.

Mama gnome has battled against her nemesis, Plastic Bag Monster for years. And this time Mama gnome's army included not only young gnomelets (Mama gnome's secret weapons), Daddy gnome .... but also Auntie gnome!!!

(c) Jenaelha,

At the behest of Mama gnome, Auntie gnome finally came out of her own burrow and joined in the battle against Plastic Bag Monster.

Mama gnome was delighted to find there were a few other humans participating on that brisk September morning.

In less than two hours, the gnome family had picked up over 200 cigarette butts in less than a mile of beach sand.

Over two hundred cigarettes picked up in less than two hours. It is mind boggling.

According to Ocean Conservancy, cigarettes/cigarette filters was the number one trash item picked up in 25 years of Coastal Cleanup Day.

Almost 53 million cigarettes/cigarette filters were picked up in 25 years.

Can you imagine?

53 million cigarettes dropped in the very sand where humans, gnomes, human babies, children played and walked.

And this is not even counting the countless cigarettes that have been washed into oceans, ingested by marine animals and birds.

Look at this photograph and see how toxic cigarettes can be mistaken for food by marine animals and seabirds.

(c) Jenaelha,

Plastic minions (small pieces of plastic) are also killing the animals. See how plastic can look like dried up seaweed.

(c) Jenaelha,

You can see the rest of the top ten items of trash picked up over 25 years of Ocean Conservancy's International Cleanup Day here.

Here are photos of some of the trash picked up by young gnomelets and the gnome family.

Mama gnome's spirit was lifted when she saw youngest gnomelet sitting and staring at the ocean.

Mama gnome will continue her fight against Plastic Bag Monster for the sake of young gnomelets and humans.

Please sit and stare at the ocean and imagine it free of plastic...and go green.

All photos copyright owned by Jenaelha,


Friday, October 14, 2011

Computer Plays Mind Games

Mama gnome apologizes for her long absence in her garden.

She has battled against Plastic Bag Monster and prevailed.

She was in the midst of writing a most splendid account of this momentous event when an unforeseen force reared its ugly head.


Mama gnome is computer savant. She has spoken of her woes from computer mind games.

Alas, computer plays mind games on Mama gnome's head once more and Mama gnome's secret weapon (Daddy gnome who is most computer savvy) is away visiting his mother.

What is Mama gnome to do?

Computer won't let Mama gnome post pictures of her battle against Plastic Bag Monster last month.

Computer defeats Mama gnome's every desperate technique...clear cache, clear cookies.

Mama gnome even cleared the pantry and ate the cookies.

But why doesn't it work? Why? Why? WHHHHHYYYYY?

Please, bear with Mama gnome while Mama gnome tries to unravel the mystery of Computer mind games.

Meanwhile, please play a game Mama gnome most love and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mama gnome's Date for Coastal Cleanup Day 2011

Mama gnome tucked in the stray and somewhat grayish looking hair under her pointy hat.

She pinched her cheeks to give them color and batted her eyelashes.

Mama gnome would like to er...ask you...yes YOU...for Yes, a date!

She'd already picked out the place. She's already picked out the time. Yes!

A feisty old mother gnome knows her mind.

All you have to do is show up and BYOB. B of the alcoholic persuasion but B as in bucket.

Bring your own bucket because for this special date, you and Mama gnome will be picking up not seashells or driftwood but little minions of Mama gnome's nemesis, Plastic Bag Monster.

Please, do not leave the old mother gnome dateless on such a special day.

September 17, 2011 is the International Coastal Cleanup Day.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

According to Ocean Conservancy:

"Nearly nine million volunteers from 152 countries and locations have cleaned 145 million pounds of trash from the shores of lakes, streams, rivers, and the ocean on just one day each year."

International Coastal Cleanup Day started 25 years ago.

A Marine Debris Report was just published studying 25 years of debris collected.

According to the report, the number one culprit collected in 25 years is smoking related debris with almost 53 million collected!

These include filters, cigarette tips and wrappers.

You are probably wondering why plastic is still Mama gnome's nemesis?

True there are tons of cigarettes on our beaches and oceans.

But the numbers are misleading because the report has divided plastic minions into different categories.

But if you total them all up,

Plastic Bag Monster still stands out with its total coming to over 96 million!

These include plastic bags, plastic caps, lids, six pack rings, food containers, cups, plates, forks, knives, spoons, pulltabs, straws, stirrers!

video by: oceanconservancy

Please help stop Plastic Bag Monster from continuing to spawn.

Please be Mama gnome's date this Saturday, September 17, 2011.

Take a long walk on the beach with her, bring your own reusable gloves and buckets, and help clean up a patch of sandy beach, river, waterway, lake, pond, and even the sandy desert.

Please read up about this very romantic day which makes Mama gnome all hot and bothered at any of these sites:
Ocean Conservancy, Heal the Bay,, California Coastal Commission.

This is an international event and you can sign up anywhere in the world.

If there is no event conveniently close to you, you can start your own hot date with the bucket and register it online.

Please be Mama gnome's and the oceans' lifelong date. Make the commitment and go green.

(c) 2011 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, August 1, 2011

Plastic Bag Monster Reckoning 2011

photo by: NOAA Marine Debris Program/Ocean Conservancy

If you have visited Mama gnome's garden before, you might have read about the old mother gnome's nemesis.

Yes...even the name itself fills Mama gnome's heart with dread and a good case of the heebie jeebies.

Mama gnome's nemesis is none other than...Plastic Bag Monster.

Here is one frightful portrait picture of a small fraction of its countless minions:
photo by: NOAA Marine Debris Program/Ocean Conservancy

Mama gnome has fought against the Plastic Bag Monster several times...on the beach(Mama gnome versus Plastic Bag Monster) and in the desert during the famous battle of Operation Desert Cleanup.

But alas...time and time again, Plastic Bag Monster regenerates and grows and meets with its allies: plastic bags, plastic cups, styrofoam cups, styrofoam plates, plastic forks, plastic spoons, plastic straws...and don't forget those soda lids, and fill in the blank plastic_______.

Together they multiply and multiply...disintegrating into tiny pieces... and swimming in their own pools of giant garbage patches...their own evil lairs.

One of the more famous ones is the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

According to Ocean Conservancy:

"In 2009, 60 percent of the debris collected and cataloged consisted of single-use, disposable items. Volunteers picked up 1.1 million plastic bags. And enough cups, plates, knives, forks, and spoons for a picnic for 100,000 people."

It's not a picnic for our oceans to be choked up by our throw away plastic bags, spoons, forks, knives.

People have become so reliant on disposable, one time use plastic utensils, plastic bags, styrofoam take out containers...Mama gnome wonders how did humans ever survive without them. But the important question is: How can we survive with them?

Please save the date, September 17, 2011, Saturday, for the annual Coastal Cleanup Day.

Please visit these websites to read up about Plastic Bag Monster's heinous crimes and what gnomes and humans can do to fight back.

Ocean Conservancy

Heal the Bay

California Coastal Commission

Ocean Conservancy is an international organization that had 152 countries participating in last year's coastal cleanup day. So you can participate wherever you are.

You can even start your own cleanup project and register it on their website.

Please watch this video by Ocean Conservancy:

video by: oceanconservancy

Besides participating in the cleanup, let us defeat the Plastic Bag Monster by several easy strategies:

  • Bring reusable bags to stores. If you forget your reusable bag, if you can, just handcarry your merchandise and make sure you have your receipt ready.
  • Say no to disposable, one time use plastic frou frou: plastic utensils. Treat yourself and your family and use the real thing. How awesome is that?
  • Say no to takeout boxes for leftovers at restaurants and bring your own. Impress your server by your ingenuity and scare the heck out of styrofoam little monster containers.
  • Instead of using those tiny throwaway zipthingey bags, use reusable little containers.
  • Instead of purchasing a small minion, i.e. a case of plastic water bottles, use that money to purchase reusable Bph free water bottles.
  • Invest a few minutes to think about what you will need before you go out for a picnic or go to the store or to the restaurant, and see what reusable items you can bring (reusable bags, your own water bottles, your own reusable containers for leftovers, etc.), so you can avoid using throw away plastic frou frou. Just a few minutes of planning, will save our oceans and planet years of plastic minion trash.

Please become an ecowarrior. Help fight the Plastic Bag Monster.

Please be a supporter for planet earth and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Gnome Garden Summer 2011

Mama gnome is cursed with a green-challenged thumb. She cannot grow plants.

But fate smiles thus on the mother gnome for daddy gnome's and gnomelets' thumbs are verdant green.

Mama gnome presents with pride, the gnome family's garden.

Mama gnome hopes your garden in life thrives and go green.

(c) all pictures and text by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Gnomes and Humans Plant Trees for Earth Day 2011

The gnome car faithfully hugged the road on the side of the mountain.

Daddy gnome asked, "Are we going the right way?"

Mama gnome said, "Hmmmm..." She stared out at the window, mesmerized by the rolling dips and gorges.

Daddy gnome said, "Ehemm... Mama gnome? Are we going the right way?"

"What? Oh...let me see..."Mama gnome's stubby finger followed the wriggly lines. "Looks like it." Mama gnome sat up straight. She felt quite at ease with the map.

The wrinkly paper was an old friend.

The computer on the other hand...always played mind games on the old gnome. She didn't trust that whiny gps voice either.

Give me a map any day, Mama gnome always thought.

It was important the gnome family didn't get lost on this special day, Earth Day 2011.

They had a special date with humans, tree loving humans, as it were.

"Trees!" Gnomelets who were quietly sitting in the back of the gnome car burst into sudden movements of waving and pointing at these:

Elder gnomelet said, "They look strange, Mama. They're black and they don't have leaves."

Younger gnomelet said, "No leaves."

Mama gnome said, "I'm afraid so, little ones. There was a fire here last year. That's why we're here. Somebody's got to do something about it."

Soon, this came into view:

By the by, the gnome family, made it to the campsite.

Mama gnome kept her fingers crossed. Time and time again, she'd been disappointed by the smallish number of humans she'd seen at events like: Coastal Cleanup Day and's International Day of Climate Action.

The gnome family were greeted by this wondrous being.

Of course Mama gnome and young gnomelets proceeded to hug it tremendously.

Mama gnome's trepidation disappeared.

There were more humans here than Mama gnome had seen at previous ecoevents.

She beamed at the tall human lady with the sign up sheet.

The gnome family were given strict instructions to wear a hard hat at all times even during breaks.

Daddy gnome deftly adjusted the hard hats for the young ones and soon the gnome's pointy hats were squashed underneath the yellow roundish hats.

Mama gnome kept a firm grip on younger gnomelet's hand and Daddy gnome took older gnomelet's hand.

The trek was quite daunting...slippery slopes covered with ash, rocky dips, and over streams.

Mama gnome's small heart pounded, fearful for the quite short young gnomelets' legs.

But they did her proud. The young gnomelets marched on without a single complaint.

At times, the gnome family over took humans who had to stop and rest.

Along the way they saw:

Charred remains of a burnt tree...

A bleak mountaintop that looks like a desert...

Sad muses of trees...

More burnt trees on a rocky slope...

Mama gnome didn't know what they were before but now they looked like giant burnt pineapples.

After over an hour of hiking on rough terrain, a tree loving human gave instructions on how to plant the saplings to give the young trees the best chances of survival.

The kindly human instructor said, the trees had a survival rate of 75%.

The humans and the gnome family went to work.

Here was Mama gnome's secret weapon...

Older gnomelet aka super ecowarrior.

She scoffs at the face of ecoenemies...and deals them a terrible blow with her tiny hands.

After what seemed like hours of work,the gnomes were tired and thirsty.

Other humans had left already. But the gnomes stayed and carried out what they set out to do. They finished planting the young trees on the bleak mountain.

Afterward they faced an even more daunting task, the hike back.

The gnome family climbed up steep inclines, held on to rocky crevices, and found footing on ash covered ground.

With faces covered with soot and ash, and bones and muscles weary, the gnomes encountered a gentle creature who bade them go on.

Finally, they spotted the campsite.

When the gnome family reached the campsite, the Forest Ranger and the leader of tree humans applauded the young gnomelets. The youngest participants for the tree planting event made the biggest impression.

Elder gnomelet said, "Mama, my cheeks are red."

Mama gnome said, "You did good, my love. You did good."

It was close to three in the afternoon and the gnomes were famished having missed lunch.

The young gnomelets cheered when they discovered...a giant cookie in their lunch boxes.

Mama gnome was very impressed with the lunch box made from recycled paper.

NO PLASTIC OR STYROFOAM in sight. And she was grateful for the vegetarian sandwich.

After their meal, the young gnomelets made wishes at the stream, throwing pine cones into the water.

Mama gnome made her own wish...a not so secret wish for more trees.

Mama gnome wishes all humans would help make Earth Day everyday, make her wish come true and go green...

(c) all photos and text by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, April 18, 2011

Trees for Earth Day 2011

This Saturday, April 23, the gnome family will travel to a forest that was ravaged by fire last year.

The gnome family will meet up with humans to help plant trees in honor of Earth Day 2011.

Please celebrate Earth Day 2011 by doing one single act of green.

Together, humans and gnomes can contribute to a billion acts of green for planet earth.

video from: thechriscarsonshow

Please visit Earth Day Network's A Billion Acts of Green

Make each day earth day and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Friday, April 8, 2011

Elephant Killed by CEO

Mama gnome has spoken about the elephants' plight numerous times.

They are threatened by habitat loss and illegal hunting and trade.

Despite the ban on ivory trade, poachers continue to slaughter elephants at terrible rate.

According to this post, Robbie Marsland, director of IFAW UK (International Fund for Animal Welfare), has stated:

"This alarming level of illegal hunting could drive the African elephant to extinction across much of Africa in just 15 years."

So it is quite deplorable to read about GoDAddy CEO Rob Parsons going on an elephant hunt and he proudly showed it off on video.

Mama gnome didn't want to watch the video.

Mama gnome was even more rankled to read that this CEO goes on an elephant killing spree every year!

Mama gnome urges you to close your account with this CEO's company and transfer to another company.

Maybe consider its rival company, which has raised over $20,000 for Save the Elephants.

Please visit Save the Elephants and read statements by Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of Zimbabwe's Conservation Task Force to AOL News.

Here is a photo of an elephant in Namibia.

It is a fortunate animal because it was not the one shot by Bob Parsons.

photo by: Ikiwaner

Please boycott Bob Parsons and his company.

Please help save the elephants and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bird's eye view of Decorah Eagles

Mama gnome and young gnomelets waited with bated breath and finally the third egg hatched on April 6, 2011.

We've watched the proud parent bald eagles feed, nurture, and care for their precious babies.

But please see for yourselves. Here is the live video feed of the beautiful eagle family in Iowa:

Live TV by Ustream

Friday, March 25, 2011

Mystery Animal of the Day

A few days ago, older gnomelet asked, "Mama, can you do a new Mystery animal?"

So on special request by older gnomelet, Mama gnome presents,

"Mystery Animal of the Day."

This animal is a true vegetarian, a creature after Mama gnome's own heart.

It noshes on seagrass all day.

It is shy and unassuming and part of its mystique has led to myths of mermaids and sirens of the deep.

Yes, it has the tail befitting a mermaid and a face befitting a gentle elephant with a short trunk for its closest land relative is the elephant.

If you've guessed the Mystery Animal of the Day is the manatee, please don't forget to

celebrate Earth Day this April 22, 2011 and participate in A Billion Acts of Green.

West Indian Manatee

photo by: U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey

Manatees are sirenians or sea cows. Dugongs are also sirenians.

Manatees can grow up to 3 meters or 13 feet in length. They can weigh up to 600 kilograms or 1300 pounds. They use their large upper lip to eat and gather food. Their tail is paddle shaped.

There are three species of manatees: the Amazonian manatee, West African manatee, and West Indian manatee.

All three species are listed vulnerable by IUCN with threats "due primarily to ongoing levels of hunting, sometimes involving new and sophisticated techniques, coupled with increasing incidental calf mortality, climate change and habitat loss and degradation."

The main threat to the Amazonian manatee is illegal hunting. Poachers use nets and harpoons to kill these gentle seacows. The Amazonian manatees are also threatened by
deforestation and contamination of their habitat by mercury, oil, pesticides, and gold mining. Hydroelectric dams are also a significant threat and Brazil for one has planned 400 dams.

The subspecies of the West Indian manatees: the Florida manatees and Antillean manatees are listed as Endangered by IUCN.

Mama gnome doesn't understand why they wouldn't just list the West Indian manatees as endangered when the two subspecies are endangered with less than 2,500 mature individuals and the trend for the population is 20% decline over the next 40 years.

Let's just say it, these animals ARE ENDANGERED.

They are endangered because of watercraft collisions.

"Watercraft collisions are the single greatest cause of human-related mortality."

"In 2005, there were over one million registered vessels in Florida."

If the injured manatees are not killed they are severely mutilated and have a poor chance of survival.

The West Indian manatees are also threatened by loss of habitat,"entanglement (in fishing gear or debris), entrapment in water-control structures and pipes, exposure to contaminants, incidental ingestion of debris, and crushing (in flood-control structures, in canal locks, or between large ships and docks."

In addition to man-made threats, West Indian manatees also face natural threats including red tide, hurricanes, and prolonged periods of cold weather.

West African manatees are found along the warm coastal waters of Africa, and in major rivers and lakes of West and Central Africa.

Poaching is the primary threat to West African manatees. Even though they are "protected", "Manatee meat is openly sold in local markets."

According to IUCN other threats include habitat loss because of "damming of rivers, cutting of mangroves for firewood and destruction of wetlands for agricultural development."
Manatees have been caught up in the turbines with reports of as many as six manatee killed at one time below Kainjii dam, Nigeria.

video by: BBCWorldwide

Mama gnome would like to eat sea grass with a vengeance, flip her large paddle shaped tail and swim after terrible humans who drive their huge speedy boats without remorse killing and maiming gentle sirenians of the deep.

Please be part of the sea cow army and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Earth Hour 2011

Mama gnome and the gnome family will be celebrating Earth Hour 2011 with the rest of the world.

It's this Saturday, March 26 at 8:30 pm.

Please turn off the lights and all non-essential appliances to conserve energy for at least one hour.

video from wwfus

Please visit WWF and Earth Hour to see how you can go beyond the hour.

Please celebrate Earth Hour everyday and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Friday, March 18, 2011

Help Japan

photo of Japan's before and after the Tsunami March 12, 2011 by NASA

Mama gnome and the gnome family are thinking of the humans and animals in Japan.

Last week on Friday, March 11, 2011, a 9.0 magnitude earthquake and 33 feet tall tsunami waves struck the Tohuku region in Japan.

According to this post:
"The unfolding disaster has left more than 6,900 dead – exceeding the 1995 earthquake in Kobe, Japan, that killed more than 6,400. Most officials, however, put estimates of the dead from last week's disasters at more than 10,000."

In addition to the natural disasters, the Japanese people are experiencing a nuclear disaster.

"According to the industry ministry, a total of 11 nuclear reactors automatically shut down at the Onagawa plant, the Fukushima No. 1 and No. 2 plants and the Tokai No. 2 plant after the strongest recorded earthquake in the country's history."

A week after the earthquake, Japan's nuclear safety agency raised the rating for the nuclear accident to Level 5.

"The International Nuclear Event Scale defines a Level 4 incident as having local consequences and a Level 5 as having wider consequences. The 1986 Chernobyl disaster was rated as 7."

We can send help to the Japanese humans and animals through:

Save the Children

photo by United States Navy from

Please send help now. Please send help to planet earth and go green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Earth Hour 2011

Mama gnome is feeling earthy and would like to ask over 6 billion humans for a date.

Can you be ready by 8:30 pm, on Saturday, March 26, 2011?

Be ready to turn off all the lights...and go on a date with the world for

Earth Hour 2011.

Mama gnome and young gnomelets visited and created virtual lanterns

Please visit Earth Hour and read about all the wonderful ways we can extend this earthy cause past the hour.

video from earthhour

Please join Mama gnome and celebrate Earth Hour every day and go green.

(c)Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Happy Polar Bear Day!

Mama gnome got a surprise greeting today from one of her favorite humans, Carrie.

So Mama gnome wishes the same to you.

"Happy Polar Bear Day!"

Please visit Polar Bears International to see how we can commemorate this special day the polar bear way.

photo by: Alan Wilson from

Polar bears are threatened by habitat loss, pollution, hunters, and global warming.

Please watch this video by the Natural Resources Defense Council.

video by NRDCflix

Please help save the polar bears and go green.
(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Gnomemart Versus Plastic Bag Monster

Mama gnome will not forget the first time she brought reusable bags to gnomemart.

The gum-chewing cashier raised an eyebrow and gave Mama gnome a suspicious look.

She double checked Mama gnome's license.

That truly is Mama gnome's height...and weight.

But soon, Mama gnome will have the last laugh because gnomemart has joined the fight against the bane of her existence, Plastic Bag Monster.

photo from:

A couple of weeks ago, Mama gnome went to gnomemart and after she placed her reusable bags on the conveyor belt for the groceries, the cashier smiled at Mama gnome and said, "Ahhh...Smart gnome."

Mama gnome looked around and saw she was the only gnome standing amidst the humans and she asked, "Why do you say such mystical things human?"

Cashier said, "Because we're going to be charging for the plastic bags."

Mama gnome's vision turned hazy but she managed to mumble, "When?"

"Maybe next month."

Only because Mama gnome felt faintish, otherwise she would've been whooping and hollering.

Just in California alone, 19 billion plastic bags are used by humans every year and out of that 19 billion plastic bags a measly 5 percent gets recycled.

The other 95 percent of 19 billion become minions of Plastic Bag Monster where they lounge around in their not so secret lair, Great Pacific Garbage Patch.

Great Pacific Garbage Patch

photo from:

So when Mama gnome heard the cashier's comment, she welcomes this new ally, this gnomemart.

Here is their battle plan against the fiendish beast.

They call it the Plastic Bag Initiative.

A worthy name for a worthy cause.

Their mission: "to eliminate more than 135 million pounds of plastic shopping bag waste globally"
and gnomemart gets the extra benefits of...

"...reduce our plastic bag waste by the equivalent of 9 billion bags, avoid producing 290,000 metric tons of greenhouse gases and prevent consuming the equivalent of 678,000 barrels of oil every year."

Mama gnome proudly presents her license to any gnomemart cashier.

Really, that is her height...and weight...

She'd gotten heavier with her heart so full, a heart gone green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Mystery Animal of the Day

Young gnomelets have kept Mama gnome very occupied.

And it is the older gnomelet who asked, "Mama, how come you don't have a new Mystery Animal?"

And so sheepishly, Mama gnome presents the Mystery Animal of the Day.

This animal has the "strongest bite per unit body mass of any living mammal."

It is a marsupial, a relative of the kangaroo.

But unlike the kangaroo who is a herbivore, this Mystery Animal is carnivorous.

It feeds on carrion and preys on small mammals to a small kangaroo, wombats, birds, fish, frogs, reptiles, fruit.

It's a very noisy noisy...thus contributing to how it was named...the little devil.

If you've guessed the Mystery Animal of the Day is the Tasmanian Devil, Mama gnome would like to congratulate you and she hopes you will participate in A Billion Acts of Green, Earth Day 2011 on April 22, 2011.

Tasmanian Devil at Healesville Sanctuary, Victoria, Australia.
photo by: arndbergmann

The Tasmanian Devil is found in Tasmania, Australia's island and state.

It has a large head and neck. It has black fur and usually white patches on its chest and lower back. It's stocky and muscular.

It has a keen smell and is also described as having a "pungent smell."

The name Tasmanian Devil has a long history.

Mama gnome will not recount all the names but to give you an idea as to how this animal was named Tasmanian it goes...

First named in 1807 Didelphis ursina, "meatloving bear."

Then later also renamed Sarcophilus harrisii,"Harris's meat lover."

Then "Beelzebub's pup was an early vernacular name given to it by the explorers of Tasmania, in reference to a religious deity who is a prince of hell and an assistant of Satan."

Other names used were Sarcophilus satanicus "Satanic meatlover" and Diabolus ursinus "diabolical bear."

Mama gnome would like to rename them as "Poor animalus creaturus name-mes just because it likes to eat loud-es and a eat a lot-es."

The Tasmanian Devil is an endangered animal.

According to the IUCN, its population has decreased by more than 60% in the last ten years.

One of the major threats to this animal is a terrible infectious cancer called the Devil Facial Tumour Disease (DFTD).

The disease is spread between animals especially during the mating season and when they are feeding because of injurious biting.

DFTD is an "aggressive non-viral transmissible parasitic cancer" and the afflicted animal develops lesions and lumps around the mouth which spread to the rest of its body.

The animal is unable to feed and dies of starvation.

Another threat to the Tasmanian Devil is the red fox which was illegally introduced to Tasmania
for reasons including fox hunting which is another terrible crime. (And Mama gnome talks about fox hunting in detail here, another Mystery Animal.)

According to IUCN, other threats to the Tasmanian Devil is being killed on the roads by vehicles, being killed by dogs, and from persecution.

Persecution according to IUCN:

"Through the 1980s and 1990s, systematic poisoning in many sheep-growing areas (particularly fine-wool with its reliance on merinos) was widespread and probably killed in excess of 5000 devils per year (N. Mooney unpubl., from interviews with landowners). In the 1990s, control permits were occasionally issued to individuals who were able to argue that Tasmanian Devils were pests (e.g. killing valuable lambs)."

video from: NationalGeographic

Please read about the Tasmanian Devil's plight and visit WWF and also Save the Tasmanian Devil Program.

Mama gnome would now screech loudly, change her name to Gnomeus Eat-A-Lot-es-chocolate-us, and nip terrible humans who poison the Tasmanian Devil.

Please be the loud devil-may-care human in the planet and go green.

(c) 2009-2011 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How Do I Globally Warm You? Let Me Count the Ways....

Early 20th century Valentine's DayCard, ca 1910
photo from Wikimedia Commons

Valentine's Day is a day to celebrate love.

But Earth doesn't get any love from the Global Warming monster.

Mama gnome battles against the Global Warming Monster every day.

One of the more memorable fights was the Great Battle of October 2009, when Mama gnome

became a Lean Green Gnome.

This is how the wretched monster professes his global warming ways...

“How Do I Globally Warm You…Let Me Count the Ways…”

I globally warm you to the depths of your oceans and heights of your atmosphere

my carbon dioxide parts per million can reach, when feeling out of breath

For I sought to end the being of fresh air and ideal blue skies.

I globally warm you for every mile humans drive

Most earnestly in their oil glutton machines

I warm you copiously as men dig for more oil

I warm you hideously as men gouge mountain tops and poison their valleys

I warm you with oil slicks that cover ocean waters and kill majestic creatures you choose to ignore

I warm you even more with each melting ice sheet drifting to oblivion

In my old global warming ways and with your petroleum companies' faith

I globally warm your Earth with greenhouse emissions

I seem to gain every day---

I globally warm you with every tree, coal and fossil fuels you continue to burn-- and, if

you so choose...

I shall globally warm your Earth better after death

Red hearts for humans, a black one for the Global Warming Monster.

This Valentine's Day...give the gift of love to Planet Earth, and may your hearts be green...

(c) 2009-2011, Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, January 31, 2011

Paper That Kills Tigers, Elephants and Orangutans

Paper cuts are no fun.

But here is paper more destructive and heinous for it kills endangered tigers, elephants and orangutans in one blow.

Here is photo featured in an eye-opening post by George Monbiot.

It shows the destruction of Sumatran rainforest in Sungai Sembilang National Park in Sumatra.

Sungai Sembilang National Park, Sumatra
Photograph: Romeo Gacad

According to the Rainforest Action Network (RAN):

"Sinar Mas Group’s Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) and Royal Golden Eagle Group’s Asia Pacific Resources International (APRIL) are among Indonesia’s most destructive corporations. Between them, they produce 80 percent of Indonesia’s pulp and paper. This comes from clear cutting rainforests and replacing them with monoculture acacia pulp wood plantations grown on these cleared rainforests and peatlands. Many leading international companies and consumer brands are contributing to this tragic pattern of destruction by, often unknowingly, purchasing paper products from affiliates of APP and APRIL."

"Deforestation in Riau has been driving both Sumatran elephants and tigers to local extinction: as of 2007, Sumatran elephant and tiger populations in Riau had declined about 75 percent over the past 25 years to as few as 210 and 192 individuals, respectively. If forest clearing is not halted, both may become locally extinct in a few years’ time."

Please be informed of the many companies/minions of APP including:
APP has also reneged on millions of US taxpayer monies.

"In 2008, APP was ordered by a New York federal judge to pay back more than $100 million of that debt to the taxpayer-financed U.S. Export-Import Bank. The debt remains unpaid."

The Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance, and companies like Target, Walmart, Staples and Office Depot have severed ties with APP.

Sumatra is not the only APP stop.

According to this post, Cambodia is also suffering the same loss and destruction where APP has set up companies: Green Rich and Green Elite.

App has also been charged with illegal logging in China.

What can we do as humans and gnomes to help stop this deadly paper destroying our forests and killing our precious animals and resources?

Please educate yourself and read about APP here.

Boycott products from APP and its minions.

Please see the Natural Resources Defense Council's Consumer Guide for responsible paper products that help protect forests and not destroy them.

Shop for "paper products with paper products with recycled content -- especially post-consumer fibers."

Visit NRDC for more tips to help save our forests.

Please help by using your wallet responsibly and help send a clear message to paper companies.

Use super paper that helps save the world and go green!

(c) 2009-2011 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, January 27, 2011

The Slaughter of the Rhino

Mama gnome strives to stay positive and see the glass half-full.

But it's hard to keep a stiff upper gnome lip and be optimistic when you learn about the slaughter of the Rhino.

Rhinos are being slaughtered for their horns.

Rhino horns are illegally sold and bought in Asia for use for "traditional Chinese medicine" and in the Middle East as handles for ornamental daggers.

Last June 2010, poachers in South Africa killed..."the last female rhinoceros in a popular game reserve near Johannesburg...(it) bled to death after having its horn hacked off."

The rhino was a mother.

"Her distraught calf was moved to a nearby estate where it was introduced to two other orphaned white rhinos."

According to this report, rhino poaching has severely worsened with:

Wildlife officials in...South Africa say 2010 was an extraordinarily bad year, with 333 rhinos poached, nearly three times as many as were lost in 2009. Five more rhinos were killed in the first weeks of 2011.

There are five species of rhinoceros:

First, the White Rhinoceros with two subspecies, the northern and southern white rhinoceros.

White Rhino
photo by: Ikiwaner,

Since 2008: "The last four northern white rhinoceros remaining in the wild are feared to have been killed for their horns by poachers and are now believed to be extinct in the wild. "

The second species, the Black Rhino, is listed as critically endangered by IUCN.

Black Rhino
photo by: Ikiwaner

According to the IUCN..."one of the main threats to the population is poaching for the international rhino horn trade."

The third species is the Indian Rhinoceros or the Great One-horned Rhinoceros. IUCN lists the Indian rhino as vulnerable and habitat decline threatens this species.

Indian Rhino
photo by: Fritz Geller-Grimm

The fourth species is the Javan Rhinoceros.

Javan Rhino

1930 photo of Javan Rhino by: Hoogerwerf, Andries, Rhino Resource Center

Mama gnome has featured this rhino sadly as a Mystery Animal of the Day,for it is considered the most endangered of all the largest mammals in the world.

According to this report:
"Last year, a Javan rhino, which is one of the world's rarest mammals, was found dead in a Vietnamese national park with its horn chopped off. Experts believe only three to five animals still exist in Vietnam."

The fifth species is the Sumatran Rhinoceros.

Sumatran Rhinos at the Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Gardens

photo by: Charles W. Hardin

IUCN lists the Sumatran Rhino as critically endangered with less than 250 mature individuals and their population continue to decline because of illegal poaching and habitat loss.

Here is a video reporting about rhino poaching. Warning. Some images show the slaughtered rhinos.

video by: AlJazeeraEnglish

Do you think there is any hope for the Rhino? What can we do to help save them?

Visit WWF.

Spread the terrible news about this animal.

Please help save the rhino.

Please help and go green.

(c) 2009-2011 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog