But here is paper more destructive and heinous for it kills endangered tigers, elephants and orangutans in one blow.
Here is photo featured in an eye-opening post by George Monbiot.
It shows the destruction of Sumatran rainforest in Sungai Sembilang National Park in Sumatra.

Photograph: Romeo Gacad
According to the Rainforest Action Network (RAN):
"Sinar Mas Group’s Asia Pulp & Paper (APP) and Royal Golden Eagle Group’s Asia Pacific Resources International (APRIL) are among Indonesia’s most destructive corporations. Between them, they produce 80 percent of Indonesia’s pulp and paper. This comes from clear cutting rainforests and replacing them with monoculture acacia pulp wood plantations grown on these cleared rainforests and peatlands. Many leading international companies and consumer brands are contributing to this tragic pattern of destruction by, often unknowingly, purchasing paper products from affiliates of APP and APRIL."
"Deforestation in Riau has been driving both Sumatran elephants and tigers to local extinction: as of 2007, Sumatran elephant and tiger populations in Riau had declined about 75 percent over the past 25 years to as few as 210 and 192 individuals, respectively. If forest clearing is not halted, both may become locally extinct in a few years’ time."
Please be informed of the many companies/minions of APP including:
- tissue/towel companies Solaris Paper
- and Mercury Paper (LIVI and Paseo brands plus private labels)
- and paper distributors Global Paper Solutions
- Eagle Ridge Paper (Ovation brand papers)
- Gold East Paper USA
- PaperMax
- The Blue Planet Group
"In 2008, APP was ordered by a New York federal judge to pay back more than $100 million of that debt to the taxpayer-financed U.S. Export-Import Bank. The debt remains unpaid."
The Forest Stewardship Council and Rainforest Alliance, and companies like Target, Walmart, Staples and Office Depot have severed ties with APP.
Sumatra is not the only APP stop.
According to this post, Cambodia is also suffering the same loss and destruction where APP has set up companies: Green Rich and Green Elite.
App has also been charged with illegal logging in China.
What can we do as humans and gnomes to help stop this deadly paper destroying our forests and killing our precious animals and resources?
Please educate yourself and read about APP here.
Boycott products from APP and its minions.
Please see the Natural Resources Defense Council's Consumer Guide for responsible paper products that help protect forests and not destroy them.
Shop for "paper products with paper products with recycled content -- especially post-consumer fibers."
Visit NRDC for more tips to help save our forests.
Please help by using your wallet responsibly and help send a clear message to paper companies.
Use super paper that helps save the world and go green!
(c) 2009-2011 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
From my comfortable suburban house here in America, it's hard to fathom deforestaion and its effects. This picture is shocking!
Nowadays I look for the green arrows on everything I buy. I look not only for "recyclable," but "% post-consumer recycled," with the highest number possible.
Now I'll look out for APP, too.
Anon, you've made this old Mama gnome's day. On behalf of all woodland creatures, we thank your big green heart for helping save our homes.
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