They are threatened by habitat loss and illegal hunting and trade.
Despite the ban on ivory trade, poachers continue to slaughter elephants at terrible rate.
According to this post, Robbie Marsland, director of IFAW UK (International Fund for Animal Welfare), has stated:
"This alarming level of illegal hunting could drive the African elephant to extinction across much of Africa in just 15 years."
So it is quite deplorable to read about GoDAddy CEO Rob Parsons going on an elephant hunt and he proudly showed it off on video.
Mama gnome didn't want to watch the video.
Mama gnome was even more rankled to read that this CEO goes on an elephant killing spree every year!
Mama gnome urges you to close your account with this CEO's company and transfer to another company.
Maybe consider its rival company, which has raised over $20,000 for Save the Elephants.
Please visit Save the Elephants and read statements by Johnny Rodrigues, chairman of Zimbabwe's Conservation Task Force to AOL News.
Here is a photo of an elephant in Namibia.
It is a fortunate animal because it was not the one shot by Bob Parsons.

Please boycott Bob Parsons and his company.
Please help save the elephants and go green.
(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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