For this coming Saturday, SEPTEMBER 19, 2009
a great, momentous battle awaits the mother gnome.
Her foe is a mighty beast, a heathen of a monster, not from this earth.
No it does not breath air nor possess a heart.
But it lives.
It is the Plastic Bag Monster, a creature that plagues our oceans, our lands, our children, our animals and plants.

photo from:
It is a monster who aims to destroy everything on its path to its home, the Great Pacific Garbage Patch.
Or as Mama gnome calls it, the Great Pacific Garbage Monster.
There it will unite forces with other plastic bag monsters, soda can monsters, water bottle monsters, styrofoam monsters and other unnatural unliving creatures who claim dominion over our oceans, our land, our planet Earth.
What chance does Mama gnome have in defeating such an enemy?
Mama gnome sighs and bows her head. Yes, the chance is quite small. But it's all she's got.
And she'll take that tiny, sliver of a chance and run away with it,
for our planet's very existence is at stake.
If this Plastic Bag Monster triumphs and no one stands up to it, hundreds and thousands of marine animals and seabirds will continue to perish, be mutilated and die slow painful deaths.
If no one stands up to it, our oceans, rivers, the water that we drink to live, will continue to be mired with toxins and pollutants.
If no one stands up to it, our Earth, our beautiful planet Earth, would be left on her own, undefended.
So rally with me, fellow gnomes and humans, join me in this great battle, this momentous day on September 19, 2009.
Tis a memorable day dubbed forth by Earth's defenders as:
Coastal Cleanup Day
This is a worldwide event.
Visit Ocean Conservancy for clean up sites in the world.
Visit Heal the Bay or California Coastal Commission for clean up sites in California.
Just follow the links and type in the country, city you live in and it will show you the closest beach, river, park you can venture forth to battle against the Plastic Bag Monster.
United we will defeat this unnatural creature and we will set our planet free.
All you need is a staunch heart, maybe a couple of gloves and sunblock lotion in case it gets too hot.
And in the name of everything sustainable, do not bring water housed in plastic water bottles,
for the Plastic Bag Monster will see them as a sign of weakness and will call forth on its minions, i.e., the plastic water bottles you're hiding in your thin plastic bags.
Nay, do not falter my human friend.
To ensure our victory, here are other pre and post-battle strategies you can engage in everyday:
- When you go shopping and if they ask you paper or plastic, say 'neither' and hold up your own wonderful reusable bags.
- Limit or avoid using plastic water bottles. A lot of them end up in the ocean and the by-products of green house emissions from their production outweigh their value. Use your own glass or metal container which will last and hopefully not end up in our oceans.
- Use eco-friendly products especially for household cleaning, dish washing and laundry. Less contaminants will leach into the ground or go into runoffs that will end up in our oceans.
- Support sustainable fishing methods by checking where the fish you eat comes from.
- Support plastic bag bans. An average American uses 500 plastic bags annually. That's billions annually. Trillions worldwide. And according to Heal the Bay only a small percentage of plastic bags get recycled, only 1% to 4%. Mama gnome knows exactly where the 96-99% of plastic bags are hanging out. Cough. Great Pacific Garbage Patch!
- When you dine out, bring your own food containers for left overs. If you don't, you take the chance of bringing home styrofoam containers, ie. Plastic Bag Monster's allies.
Mama gnome has faith in you brave human. Together victory will be ours!
And to you Plastic Bag Monster,
Mama gnome says, "Come forth and face me for I have"
Go Green!
(c) 2009 Jenaelha Friendly Gnome's Blog
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