Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mystery Animal of the Day

Mama gnome is proud to present the Mystery Animal of the Day

This mystery animal is a mammal with mostly reddish brown fur, with color variations ranging from silver to black to "patterning" in their fur.

This animal is native to North America, Africa and Eurasia. It is also found in the United Kingdom and Ireland and was introduced in Australia for the "sport of hunting."

This mystery animal is featured extensively in children's literature portraying characters who are resourceful, sly or "foxy."

If you guessed the Mystery Animal of the Day is the Red Fox

Mama gnome congratulates you and asks,

"Maybe you can read a book to a child and it might just even have a fox in it?"

photo by Malene Thyssen

Red foxes are remarkable animals, able to adapt to different environments from mountains, forests, deserts, farms and suburban areas.

Their diet range from vegetables, fruits like apples and plums, rabbits, fish, worms, mice and they may also scavenge food from trash and pet food.

They generally hunt alone and extra food are buried and hidden in separate areas. The red fox hides food in small portions thus avoiding the risk of losing all of the stored food if found by another animal.

The red fox is burdened with the fate of "fox hunting."

The red fox was introduced into Australia specifically for "recreational hunting" around 1850.

"Fox hunting with hounds" continues to be practised in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Russia, India and France.

The passage of the Hunting Act of 2004 made the sport of fox hunting with dogs illegal in
England and Wales. Scotland banned foxhunting in 2002.

But Mama gnome wants to clarify, even though the "sport" of fox hunting with dogs was made illegal in these countries, fox hunts continue.

And what's worse is "widespread" illegal fox hunting reportedly continues.

Mama gnome wants to know who really is the wily and cunning creature?

The red fox or the people who continue to hunt this animal for "sport"?

As though that is not enough, the red fox is also burdened by the fur industry.

"Red foxes are among the most commonly bred animals in fur farms, along with the American Minks."

"Today silver fox is traditionally used for collars and cuffs, wraps and stoles, while common Red fox fur is used for trimming and for full fur garments."

Remind Mama gnome again...who is the cunning, conniving, wily villain in the picture book?

The red fox being chased by dozens of dogs into her den with her babies?

Or the red fox stuck in a cage to be skinned so a woman can have trimmings on her coat?

Please watch this beautiful red fox in the Yellowstone National Park.

video by: PBS

Mama gnome urges you to boycott business who sell fur and fur products.

And even faux fur is sometimes mislabeled.

You think you're wearing something "ecofriendly" but it might just be real fur so don't even take a chance.

Educate your family and friends about the plight of the red fox.

Support bans on fur farming.

During this holiday season, wear a coat that will warm you to the core of your heart,

give a truly remarkable gift...and Go Green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mama gnome's Green Wish List

Mama gnome braved walking amidst tall humans milling around with eyes busy shopping and hands close to their money bags.

Yes, Mama gnome went Christmas shopping.

She even ventured into the gargantuan Gnome Club.

Mama gnome saw a human dressed as Santa Claus standing by the tomatoes and radishes and speaking on his phone of cellular proportions.

Mama gnome went home and shared the news.

"I saw Santa Claus at the Gnome Club, " said Mama gnome whilst the gnomelets struggled into their bunny suits at bedtime.

Baby gnomelet said, "Mama...was it a pretend Santa or a real Santa?"

Mama gnome paused for a moment and finally said, "I don't know."

Mama gnome was struck by baby gnomelet's question.

How can she tell if it was a real Santa or not?

As a gnome she didn't know any elves who might be privy to this information.

Mama gnome realized a real Santa would have no difficulty giving her items on her Green Wish List, as long as she was on Santa's good gnome list.

So with fingers crossed, Mama gnome wrote a letter not to the pretend Santa but to the "real Santa."

Dear Santa,

How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and if not, please help yourself with the plate of freshly baked oatmeal raisin cookies left by the aga stove and don't forget to drink a draught of Mama gnome's elixir, so vital for life.

I'm sorry to bother you but as a gnome to a Santa...please grant a wish or two to this old mother gnome.

I don't know where to start. But this is not the time to be stymied.

Mama gnome's first green wish is a give-a-tree card from arbor A tree would be planted in a forest in honor of the recipient.

This tree would grow tall and majestic for every year my gnomelets grow. This would be a lovely gift for Christmas.

My second green wish would be a stainless steel water help Mama gnome continue her personal battle against the bane of her existence, Plastic Bag Monster, and his minions.

Mama gnome might take up knitting once more and knit a water bottle cozy.

A water bottle dressed up to the nines will make plastic bottles shrink into a recyclable stage.

Mama gnome's third green wish would be 100% postconsumer waste printer paper and eco-friendly ink cartridges.

They would come in handy when Mama gnome finally prints a story she'd been writing for little gnomelets.

Within the bracket of 100% recycled paper, Mama gnome would go bonkers over 100% recycled toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper. Think how many trees would be saved.

Here's a list from the Natural Resources Defense Council of how many trees would be saved if households purchased paper and paper products from recycled or postconsumer waste instead of virgin fiber.

They report "if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper(500 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 423,900 trees."

Yes...423,900 trees saved just by replacing the toilet paper.

Yes, Santa...that many trees.

Now, don't get too comfortable checking off my list because Mama gnome's green wish list also includes....(drum roll)....a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine!

No, it won't poke my eye out.

This turbine is environmentally friendly as in it would not be a spinning death machine for birds. It is even eligible for federal tax incentives and rebates.

It's green power. Does Mama gnome need to say more?

Now Santa, go ahead and finish that cookie because Mama gnome's green wish list has culminated to wish number one: solar panels.

Mama gnome knows it would make your landing on the roof trickier but think of all the green power it would produce and actually help reduce greenhouse gases up in the sky where you have to fly anyway.

Mama gnome knows they could be expensive but there are programs available now where the consumer can lease solar panels, avoiding the costs of buying them upfront.

Mama gnome would pass out if she sees the lovely reflection of sunlight from solar panels on the gnome roof.

Mama gnome said, "That would be off...the fishing hook."

Thank you so much for all the hard work you do every year, Santa.

I think I was mostly on the nice list this year and avoided heated arguments with humans who drove giant SUV's while smoking cigars and wearing fur coats.

So please, please consider my green wish list.

Mama gnome

Mama gnome hopes your wish list might have a "green item or two" in there and if you think of another green item, please don't hesitate to write a note to Mama gnome as well.

But "green" gifts are gifts that show you really care for the recipient, gifts that show you care for the environment, gifts that show you know the true value of gift-giving.

Mama gnome and her family would like to wish you and your family a joyous, peaceful and Green Holiday season!

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Candles and a song for Copenhagen

Though it was cold outside...inside the building Mama gnome felt the warmth of meeting kindred spirits of people who came there for the same purpose:

To light candles for Climate Change Action in Copenhagen (COP15) so that nations will work together for a "fair and binding" climate deal that will reduce carbon dioxide parts per million in the atmosphere to 350.

Mama gnome spotted Leah Levitt who organized this event.

Mama gnome met her previously at an event for's International Day of Climate Action.

Leah said she hoped more people would show up and Mama gnome nodded her head, mindful of the importance of this event.

And more people joined Mama gnome and Leah...

They were:

Vianna Friss
Judy Garrett
Geoffrey Levitt
David Perkins
Ulrica Bell-Perkins
Eugenia Regan
Mike Vernetti

(c) photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

The vigil started with Ulrica reading a speech by President Nasheed of Maldives calling for nations and people to sign up for a "survival pact." Below are excerpts...
Scientists say that global carbon dioxide levels must be brought back down below 350 parts per million.

And we can see why.

We have already overshot the safe landing space.

In consequence the ice caps are melting.

The rainforests are threatened.

And the world’s coral reefs are in imminent danger.

Members of the G8 rich countries have pledged to halt temperature rises to two degrees Celsius.

Yet they have refused to commit to the carbon targets, which would deliver even this modest goal.

At two degrees we would lose the coral reefs.

At two degrees we would melt Greenland.

At two degrees my country would not survive.

As a president I cannot accept this.

As a person I cannot accept this.

I refuse to believe that it is too late, and that we cannot do any about it.

Copenhagen is our date with destiny.
....After all, it is not carbon we want, but development.

It is not coal we want, but electricity.

It is not oil we want, but transport.

Low-carbon technologies now exist, to deliver all the goods and services we need.

Let us make the goal of using them.

Mike Vernetti wrote a song about global warming and the need for climate action after he watched the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth."

He performed his song, "Not Welcome Here," at our candle vigil.

His song warns...

"We can no longer wait for just the right time...Life won't be the same when we're not welcome here."

We heard Mike's beautiful voice and words. We want our voices heard as well.

Global warming is a stark reality for all of us... and for many... it is a reality of great peril and loss of their homes and lives.

We want our nations' leaders to sign a "fair and binding" climate agreement that will help bring our planet back from the brink of global warming disaster and on to the safe path for 350.

Mama gnome urges each and every one of you to make your voice heard as well.

Please speak out loud and Go Green.

(c) Mike Vernetti "Not Welcome Here"

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Warm You Globally...Let Me Count The Ways....

Mama gnome loves to read poetry sometimes.

And one of her favorite poems is, "How Do I love thee? Let Me Count the Ways" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Mama gnome thought in honor of the ongoing COP15, the United Nations Climate Change Conference,

she presents a poem showing the severity and gravity of not love...but of Global Warming.

"How Do I Globally Warm You? Let Me Count The Ways..."

I globally warm you to the depths of your oceans and the heights of your atmosphere

My carbon dioxide parts per million can reach, when feeling out of breath

For I sought to end the being of fresh air and ideal blue skies.

I globally warm you for every mile the humans drive

Most earnestly in their clunkers and SUV's.

I warm you copiously, as men dig for more oil

I warm you hideously as men mountain cut and burn more coal.

I warm you with the oil slicks that cover ocean waters

I warm you even more with each melting ice sheet

In my old global warming ways and with your petroleum companies' faith

I globally warm your Earth with greenhouse emissions

I seem to gain every day---

I globally warm you with every tree, coal and fossil fuels you continue to burn- and, if You choose...

I shall globally warm your Earth better after death.

No it's not supposed to be a lovely poem. It's horrific. Just like Global Warming.

Here is a picture taken by NASA dated 2007 showing the amount of Arctic Sea Ice that has been lost because of Global Warming.


Please show how many ways you love Earth and let us count the ways...

Go Green.

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Meet my Copenhagen Frenemy...

Mama gnome can be quite old-fashioned sometimes and speaks in the manners of the old.

But 'tis is not the time to be quiet. Mama gnome will speak out against frenemies...


An eco-frenemy, a term coined by Mama gnome, is someone or something disguised as eco-friendly but in reality is an enemy...and therefore an Eco-frenemy.

And she has revealed such an eco-frenemy here.

At this time, Mama gnome would like to unveil a two-faced, sneaky, malarkey, heebie-geebies inducing eco-frenemy....CAP AND TRADE...

Cap and trade...

Aka...Emissions trading.

Aka...The-plan-to-make-money-from-carbon-emissions-but-not-necessarily-have-to-lower-their-emissions-let's-hold-off-on-doing-something-to-actually-solve-global-warming-but-how-about-we-make-some-money-in-the-meantime-plan-thingey, etcetera,etcetera,etcetera.

But don't take Mama gnome's oldie but goldie way of describing things.

This is how wikipedia explains Cap and Trade:

"Emissions trading (also known as emission trading and cap and trade) is an administrative pproach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants.

A central authority (usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a pollutant that can be emitted. Companies or other groups are issued emission permits and are required to hold an equivalent number of allowances (or credits) which represent the right to emit a specific amount. The total amount of allowances and credits cannot exceed the cap, limiting total emissions to that level. Companies that need to increase their emission allowance must buy credits from those who pollute less. The transfer of allowances is referred to as a trade. In effect, the buyer is paying a charge for polluting, while the seller is being rewarded for having reduced emissions by more than was needed."

No wonder there's global warming.

Come on...Mama gnome understands it's not as simple as shutting down all the coal factories.

But know what, that's exactly what Dr. James Hansen, NASA's climate scientist, said needs to be done. Not as short and straight like how I said it. But here's the video.

video from: IowaIndependent

Who supports cap and trade? Apparently Exxon Mobil supports cap and trade. I wonder why?

Hmmm. Could it be for profit?

Who are against cap and trade?

All these people laying down on the ground and protesting are against cap and trade.

photo of "Chicago Climate Justice activists protesting cap and trade legislation at the intersection of LaSalle & Adams in Chicago Loop" byWesha

Who else is against cap and trade?

Mama gnome, gnomelets and let me see...just to prove it's not just Mama gnome and her close's a list from Steve Kirsch at Huffington Post.

The list includes Dr. James Hansen, Al Gore, Congressional Budget Office, the inventors of cap and trade, George C. Marshall Institute, Thomas Friedman, Sierra Club, even China, yes China.

Dr. James Hansen said of cap-and-trade, “They are selling indulgences there. The developed nations want to continue basically business as usual so they are expected to purchase indulgences to give some small amount of money to developing countries. They do that in the form of offsets and adaptation funds.”

What does Dr. Hansen and the other people and groups on the list support? Fee-and-dividend

Please read the comparisons made between cap-and-trade and fee-and-dividend here.

Here is a video that talks about Eco-frenemy Cap-and-trade.

video from:vegsister

Mama gnome wants to throw her pointy hat down and just say, "Wake up, people."

Cap-and-trade, should be called Cop-out-and-trade. It's a cop-out, a shriveled up, emission coated and oily cop-out.

Global warming will not be solved by half-measures and flimsy band-aid solutions.

We don't get to do Plan B in case Plan A fails. We're already running out of precious sustainable earth time.

Can we afford to do cap-and-trade until 2050 and say,
"Ummm...whoops..guess we should've done the other one instead. Can you pass me the oxygen mask and the dingy?"

Mama gnome is afraid. She's really afraid.

Cap-and-trade is knocking at the door and a lot of people at Copenhagen is letting him in.

Wake up, wake up!

Mama gnome wants to announce Cap-and-trade when he walks in.

"Distinguished guests of the United Nations Climate Change Conference...please meet our Copenhagen frenemy...Cap-and-trade. Now say goodbye real quick, because Mama gnome is going to kick him out the door."

Go green...

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Mystery Animal of the Day

Mama gnome hungs her head low and wrings her hands together for the

Mystery Animal of the Day is predicted to be extinct in fifteen years. Not fifty, but 15 years.

This magnificent animal roams in Africa. It is the largest land animal. Its tusks are actually teeth, tusks developed from its second set of incisors.

And it is because of these tusks, that this animal will disappear from Africa in fifteen years.

If you guessed the Mystery Animal of the Day is the African Elephant,
Mama gnome urges you to visit the websites for the International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) and WWF to read up about the plight of African elephants and other animals and see how you can help.
photo from

The African Elephant is being wiped out by man because of the ivory trade.

According to IFAW:
"Despite ivory trade being banned 20 years ago, a shocking 104 elephants are still being killed every day for their tusks. This alarming level of illegal hunting could drive the African elephant to extinction across much of the continent in just 15 years."

According to this report:
In 2005 there were 3,885 elephants in Chad's Zakouma National Park. But in 2009 there were only 617. "At least 11 rangers were killed by poachers there over the same period."

So elephants and people are being killed by poachers.

But what exactly will happen if Africa loses all of her elephants?

As it stands, Africa will lose a lot more because African elephants play a vital role in Africa's biodiversity.

According to WWF, elephants help "...maintain suitable habitats for many other species in savanna and forest ecosystems."

Mama gnome nods her head and understands your question for she herself didn't understand just how important elephants are.

WWF states:

"Elephants directly influence forest composition and density, and can alter the broader landscape.

In tropical forests, elephants create clearings and gaps in the canopy that encourage tree regeneration.

In the savannas, they can reduce bush cover to create an environment favorable to a mix of browsing and grazing animals.

Many plant species also have evolved seeds that are dependent on passing through an elephant's digestive tract before they can germinate;

it is calculated that at least a third of tree species in west African forests rely on elephants in this way for distribution of their future generations."

video by: BBCWorldwide

This video shows an orphaned elephant mourning the death of her mother while keepers at an elephant reserve try to take care of her.

video from BBCWorldwide

More than 100 elephants are killed by poachers every day. More than 100.

How many baby elephants are left orphaned or left to die without their mothers?

All these for ivory.

Where are ivories used? Anywhere from pipes, dagger handles, decorations, sculptures, religious figurines or images. For knick-knacks.

Mama gnome is horrified to discover ivory products were being sold even on eBay up until 2008. That's right. You read that correctly. And only because of pressure from IFAW, eBay finally resolved to ban sales of ivory products in 2009.

Mama gnome urges everyone who reads this blog to educate their friends, family, coworkers, even strangers about the plight of African elephants and how ivory trade is literally decimating hundreds of elephants

Mama gnome says, "Please be one with the herd, join Mama elephant and Go Green."

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, November 26, 2009

A grateful gnome

Mama gnome bustled around the aga stove all day. Today the gnome family celebrated a day of giving thanks.

At the table, Mama gnome said, "Family, I wish to say thank you to all of you, to Daddy gnome, to elder gnomelet, baby gnomelet, Auntie gnome. Mama gnome is very thankful for all your love and support, especially when we have to battle Plastic Bag Monster."

At this point, the gnome family stopped eating and went grrrrr... at the thought of Plastic Bag Monster.

Mama gnome continued, "I'm also grateful for our planet Earth, our trees, oceans, polar bears and all creatures big and small. But please tell me, what are you most thankful for?"

Elder gnomelet said, "For water, Mama. And the plants and trees. Because I love trees!"

Auntie gnome said, "Marine life! Marine life! Our oceans especially without pollution are so beautiful."

Daddy gnome said,"I'm thankful for our garden, Mama gnome. Even though we live here where it's quite city like, we have our yard where the trees and plants make me feel quite at home."

Mama gnome said, "Quite right, Daddy gnome. You are quite right."

Baby gnomelet said, "I'm thankful for Mama for giving me all this food!"

Mama gnome smiled.

video by
music by Sigur Ros, "Hoppipola"

Mama gnome wishes everyone would see the bounty and beauty of our planet and show our gratitude by helping her stay safe. Please Go Green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, November 16, 2009

Operation Desert Cleanup

(c) 2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

The gnome family bundled themselves up. They wore their warmest tunics, long pants, sturdy shoes and pointy hats.

"Where are we going, Mama?" asked baby gnomelet.

"We're going to help clean up the desert," said Mama gnome.

"Yehey!!!" The gnomelets shouted in unison while Daddy gnome tried to wrestle them into their special gnomelet seats.

By the by, Daddy gnome drove the gnome car to Prime Desert Woodland Preserve.

Mama gnome slumped in the passenger seat and sighed. The cold turned her breath into a miniature puffy cloud.

She'd seen low turnouts at the beach for Coastal Cleanup Day and at the park for the 350 International Day of Climate Action.

What would make this event any different?

She promised herself if more than a dozen humans showed up for Operation Desert Cleanup, a carrot cake baked from scratch would be the centerpiece for that night's supper.

After Mama gnome cleared her head of carrot cake imagery, an ugly picture replaced it, the bane of her existence.

Yes, Plastic Bag Monster.

Plastic Bag monster exists not just in our rivers and oceans but also in our parks, streets and even deserts. Plastic Bag Monster's-not-so-secret-headquarters is at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, joined by his minions of plastic bottle monsters, styrofoam monsters, bits and pieces of unrecognizable trash monsters.

The gnome car drove into the resting lot for cars at the Desert Woodland Preserve.

Mama gnome pulled down her pointy hat and sat up straight in her seat.

"You ready, Mama gnome?" Daddy gnome asked.

"Yes, let's do it."

Two human ladies waited for the gnome family.

Judy, one of Daddy gnome's colleague and friend, said, "I knew you'd come."

"Of course," said Daddy gnome.

"We have some gloves here for you. You'd probably want some for your young ones, " the other lady human said smiling at the gnomelets. The friendly human lady was a volunteer at the Woodland Reserve.

"Thank you. They have their own gloves," Mama gnome said.

"Very well. I'll show you where you can start."

The gnome family and Judy followed the lady.

Mama gnome admired the Joshua trees and beautiful desert landscape whilst keeping an eye on young gnomelets.

photo (c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

The lady stopped and said, "You can start cleaning over there, by the fence. You probably won't get a lot of trash. Be careful. Don't step into rabbit holes and there are coyotes here so keep your young ones close by."

"Coyotes?" Older gnomelet's voice went up.

Mama gnome watched her, afraid older gnomelet would be frightened at the thought of coyotes.

Older gnomelet threw back her head and said, "Coyotes howl like this, AWOOOOOOOOH!"

Soon baby gnomelet copied her big sister and the two gnomelets howled in unison.

"That's very clever. But now listen, remember the rules. Stay close to Mama gnome and watch where you step," said Mama gnome.

"Yes, Mama." The gnomelets said together.

It hadn't even been two minutes, when the first trash was picked up by guess who?

Yes, Mama gnome's secret weapon, ecowarrior, Older gnomelet.

"Look, Mama," she held up in her gloved hand a discarded cigarette end.

"Good job. Let's put it in the trash bag," Mama gnome said. Older gnomelet dropped the cigarette butt in the bag.

Mama gnome though to herself, "Cigarette and dry desert brush, so-dry-they'll-spark-if you-stare at-them-too-long-dry. Perfect deadly combination for wildfire. Some people are so thoughtful."

The gnome family "combed the desert" and within an hour found: countless pieces of broken glass from beer bottles, plastic bags stuck in thorny brush. Mama gnome yanked them out from their snares with long twigs she found on the ground. They also picked up a rusted spring, an old tab for a soda can Daddy gnome said was from the time when he was a gnomelet.

"Boy, that's really, let's keep going," Mama gnome said walking away from Daddy gnome.

Older gnomelet lived up to her name as ecowarrior and found styrofoam cups, old soda cans, bits of plastic remnants.

Baby gnomelet found a few pieces of trash and found a treasure in a long stick she'd picked up from the ground. She waved that thing for almost the whole time, creating good practice for Daddy and Mama gnome to duck out of harm's way.

After an hour, the gnome family, combed and rid the desert of these:

(c)2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Just when Mama gnome thought Daddy's bag was quite full and stretched thin,
older gnomelet pointed to something colorful and quite unnatural under a bramble.

Daddy gnome walked around the thorny bush and yanked out not just one, two or three but four blankets and sheets.

Daddy gnome hauled them out to a clearing. They were heavy, encrusted with dirt and mud.

"Great job, little one. You saw those blankets. Good eye!" Mama gnome said to older gnomelet.

Older gnomelet said, "Yes, Mama. But look there's lots of broken glass here." She was quite unfazed.

After two hours, the gnome family walked back to the car resting lot to meet up with the other volunteers.

Some of the odd trash found included:
  • an old microwave
  • two slides from a playground set
  • a car muffler including the tailpipe
  • one of those plastic cones used to cordon off for safety
  • "at least thirty year" old rusted tin cans
  • lots of metal scrap
  • a spoon
  • a disembodied hand from a doll

Mama gnome looked at all the trash collected by the volunteers. Operation Desert Cleanup's tally:

(c) 2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Though the total number of humans who volunteered on that day was less than carrot cake baked from scratch threshold, Mama gnome hugged Daddy gnome and gnomelets and said, "Great job everyone. I'm so proud of you."

Mama gnome said thank you to the kind human volunteers.

She walked back to the gnome car with an exhausted baby gnomelet in her arms, Ecowarrior older gnomelet by her side, and images of freshly baked, chocolatey fudge brownies danced in Mama gnome's head.

(c) 2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Please, keep thoughts of a beautiful clean planet Earth in your head and Go Green.

(c) 2009 all photos and post by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mystery Animal of the Day

Mama gnome presents:

Mystery Animal of the Day

It is the largest "arboreal" animal, an animal that lives primarily in trees.

Its hands are similar to human hands with four fingers and an opposable thumb.

This animal is mostly covered with reddish brown hair.

If you guessed the Mystery Animal of the Day is: ORANGUTAN,

Mama gnome shakes your hand with her gnomish hand which also possesses an opposable thumb and she says,

"100% postconsumer paper is one of the best things in the world because it helps to save our forests."

photo from: Oliver Spalt

Orangutans are found in the rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo.

The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species lists the Sumatran orangutan as critically endangered and the Bornean orangutan as endangered.

Orangutans are in dire...yes, dire straits. According to IUCN:

This species is seriously threatened by logging (both legal and illegal), wholesale conversion of forest to agricultural land and oil palm plantations, and fragmentation by roads.

Animals are also illegally hunted and captured for the international pet trade but this appears to be more a symptom of habitat conversion, as orangutans are killed as pests when they raid fruit crops at the forest edge..."

This video is a snippet showing orphan orangutans rescued.

video from: BBCWorldwide

Yes, Mama gnome also has trouble wrapping her mind around this disturbing truth:
Orangutan mothers are killed (either shot down or hacked with machetes) by poachers to take
the baby orangutans to be sold in the black market as pets.

Do the people who paid to have an orangutan pet realize they paid to kill mother orangutans?

The Malay word 'orang utan' translates to "man of the forest."

"In 1994, Carel van Schaik of Duke University became the first anthropologist to document the use of tools among wild orangutans." He observed orangutans in the wild used tools and that this skill was social or "cultural" meaning it was learned by orangutans from watching other orangutans within their group.

An example van Schaik cited was how orangutans extracted seeds from a favorite local fruit "puwin." Puwin is covered with fine hairs as sharp as "plexiglass needles" according to van Schaik. To avoid being hurt or jabbed by the needle like hairs on the fruit, orangutans insert a fine stick inside the fruit to obtain the seeds without handling the puwin directly.

But if you watch this video you will be even more amazed at just how intelligent orangutans are.

video from: BBCEarth

What exactly is the impact of losing the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra? Is it equivalent to just losing the orangutans, the "people of the forest"?

No. The scope of the devastation goes beyond that. According to the WWF:

"The rate of deforestation in Indonesia is among the worst globally, with a staggering 80 percent of the nation's wood supplies thought to come from illegal sources, including nature reserves and other protected areas."

Mama gnome wants to reiterate: 80% of timber comes from illegal logging. Trees supposedly in protected areas and nature reserves are under no protection at all.

WWF also states:

"Conversion of forests into palm oil plantations has been shown to result in the loss of 80-100 percent of the mammal, reptile and bird species in the area."

"...Indonesia accounts for more than 14 percent of global deforestation. This represents almost half of the total global carbon emissions from deforestation and land degradation — almost twice as much as Brazil (the second-largest producer of greenhouse gases from land conversion), and more than three times Malaysia (the third largest)."

"Indonesia ranks fourth in the world in terms of total carbon emissions — behind the U.S., the European Union and China, and ahead of Brazil. Deforestation and forest degradation account for more than 83 percent of Indonesia's carbon emissions."

They are literally destroying rainforests and consequently contributing to global warming in pursuit of financial profit.

What can we do to help the orangutans and other species lost by rainforest destruction?
  • Use papers that are made from postconsumer waste. If it's 100% postconsumer waste, that's one hundred percent even better.
  • Recycle paper such as junk mail, shredded paper, telephone books, magazines you cannot donate to the library, your old school notes.
  • Instead of using paper towels or paper napkins use cloth napkins, cloth rags, old shirts reused as rags. You'll save money as well as save trees.
  • Support reforestation efforts.
  • Give eco-friendly cards such as these from
  • Look for Fair Trade Certified labeling on products such as coffee, chocolate, tea, fruit, sugar and rice when shopping. They endorse products obtained through sustainable practices.

Mama gnome now feels like living in a tree for a while and if she spots illegal loggers trespassing in her forest she will hurl spiky puwin fruits at them to protect her baby and her trees.

If they persist to cut down trees despite being jabbed by the puwin fruit, Mama gnome will use her handy-dandy opposable thumbs and show them the way out of the rainforest, the fastest way out of the rainforest.

Mama gnome hopes you've enjoyed learning about the Mystery Animal of the Day.

In the meantime, please make your opposable thumbs equally handy in the tricky human world full of gadgets and tools and

Go Green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Copenhagen in December :Be there or be square...

Copenhagen...A magical place, a wondrous place...

It is Denmark's capital and ranks as one of the most ecofriendly cities in the world with "36% of its citizens bicycling to work every day for a total of 1.1 million km. Copenhagen's water in the inner harbor is so clean it can be used for swimming."

Mama gnome agrees 'tis quite a magical place and even more so for this December, Copenhagen's Bella Center will be the hub for the United Nations Climate Change Conference December 7-18, 2009(COP15 2009).
photo from Froztbyte

Mama gnome dreams about going.

She will swim through the clean waters of the inner harbor, bike down the paths lined with trees, trudge down to Bella Center as fast as her short legs can take her, go up the stage and call attendance!

United Kingdom?

Lovely to see you.


Oh, wonderful.


Thank you so much for coming.


Mama gnome is very happy to count you in.


Wow, you made it too? Mama gnome is impressed.

United States?

Umm...United States? U.SA.? Sent-first-man-to-the-moon-United- States-but-can't-commit-to-Copenhagen-United States?


Cue the crickets....

Mama gnome's daydreaming ends abruptly. She finds herself pacing in front of her aga stove, with arms crossed and tsk...tsk...tsks...

Will the knot in her stomach ever go away? The waiting and not knowing will maim her if the knot doesn't.

Will December 7 be known as tremendous day of heaping disappointment for Mama gnome if the United States does not do its part in Copenhagen?

Mama gnome and the rest of the world will wait with bated breath for December 7, 2009,

She hopes United States, China and all countries participate and pledge significant changes to current policies addressing the need for sustainable green energy and significant reductions in greenhouse emissions.

Here's an insightful video explaining the significance of Copenhagen in December.

video from RealClimateNews

Connie Hedegaard, Danish Minister for Climate and Energy and incoming COP15 president stated in an interview for,

If the whole world comes to Copenhagen and leaves without making the needed political agreement, then I think it’s a failure that is not just about climate. Then it’s the whole global democratic system not being able to deliver results in one of the defining challenges of our century. And that is and should not be a possibility. It’s not an option.”

Here is a short video featuring former United Nations Secretary General, Kofi Annan, addressing the Global Editors' Forum at a conference in Denmark and Jose Manuel Barroso, President of the European Commission.

video from EUXTV

Mama gnome is quite aware of the financial difficulties all countries are going through now...but a bigger problem looms over every single person and living thing on this planet,


It doesn't matter how much money you have in your bank account if the bank is underwater, literally underwater.

Mama gnome calls on developed countries and developing countries who produce significant emissions that worsen global warming to fess up, buckle up and commit to repairing the damage, halt further injury and save the planet.

"There is no plan B as we don't have a Planet B."

Copenhagen in December...Be there or be square...

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

And the bells rang 350 times...So did the maracas, baby rattles and gong

The sun burned bright on the fateful day of October 24, 2009.

Mama gnome, Auntie gnome and elder gnomelet worked on posters worthy of being ecofriendly for they were made by their gnome hands on recycled paper and held up by twine and clothespins.

They worked feverishly to finish on time.

Their plan: to participate in the International Day of Climate Action. A day initiated by

Mama gnome had previously consulted 350's map of action for October 24 and found a human and pet rally will be held at the local park to call attention to 350's cause: to call attention to human world leaders to work on bringing carbon levels in the atmosphere to 350 parts per million. Current levels are at a dangerous 390 ppm.

By the by, the gnome family and their pet, a baby dragon, made it to the park.

Mama gnome said right before she pulled into the car resting lot, "If no one else is here, we'll do our own rally."

Mama gnome said this with confidence, though inside she was secretly afraid.

It would not be the first time she'd seen low numbers for environmental causes.

And what did she see when she pulled the gnome car in? No one. Not one human or dog...

Mama gnome said, "It's okay, maybe we're early. Not time to panic yet. Besides our posters are quite eye-catching thanks to Auntie gnome."

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Auntie gnome said, "Maybe they're on the other side."

Elder gnomelet said, "Mama, where are the dogs?"

Baby dragon said, "Zzzzzz."

Mama gnome said, "Other side? Okay, we'll try the other side. But usually they walk the dogs over here..." But hope flickered anew.

After a few stealth maneuvers and gnomish driving, the gnome car pulled into the other car resting lot.

It was packed. And lots of humans walked around.

The children wore colorful shorts,knee high socks and shirts embellished with numbers on the back.

Mama gnome said, "Strange, their numbers are not 350."

Finally, with eyes sharp as an eagle's, Mama gnome spotted three humans with one dog and they were holding up 350 signs!

Mama gnome shook hands with them. She met Leah, the human lady coordinating this local event. Leah brought her very eco-friendly dog.

Mama gnome decided not to introduce baby dragon to the dog at this time.

Slowly, our numbers increased.

We gathered round and the bells rang...and so did the baby rattles, the gong and maracas 350 times!

With every beat, Mama gnome's heart swelled, amidst the group of tall humans, gnomes, dogs and baby dragon.

In that moment, hope grew inside.

Our numbers may have been scant compared to the gatherings in New York and Sydney, but our spirits were strong and united with every one else on the planet who came together for this cause, for 350, for planet Earth.

photo by: Jim Adamik

Though that day has passed, make everyday a day of climate action and Go Green.

(c) Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, October 19, 2009

Mystery Animal of the Day

Mama gnome presents the

Mystery Animal of the Day

It is "the rarest member of the bear family and among the world’s most threatened animals."

This animal has distinct black patches over its eyes, ears and body.

It possesses dangerous levels of cuteness, making anyone susceptible to its charm.

Anyone who looks at it is prone to saying, "Awwww...So cute."

If you guess the Mystery Animal is Giant Panda, Mama gnome wants to give you a giant panda bear hug.

Here is a 7 month old Panda cub from the Wolong Nature Reserve in Sichuan, China

photo from: Sheila Lau

Do you not see the overwhelming power of its cuteness?

The Giant Panda has been the World Wild Fund for Nature's symbol since WWF was established in 1961.

Because of habitat loss from logging and farming,the panda's territory has shrunk to a few mountain ranges in south China. A long time ago when it was a greener Earth, this bear once roamed as far as Myanmar and Vietnam.

IUCN categorizes it as endangered. IUCN reports: "Results from the most recent survey, coordinated by the State Forestry Administration (SFA) of China and World Wildlife Fund (WWF), indicated a total population of ~1600 individuals."

The Giant Panda's diet is 99% bamboo. According to this report, the panda consumes as much as twenty to thirty pounds of bamboo a day. Apparently, the panda's round face and rotund body is adaptation to its mainly vegetarian diet and resulting low metabolism.

Mama gnome recognizes increased kinship with the panda for she herself has similar adaptations of a round face and rotund body from mostly peanut butter diet. Granted, she is not as cute as this animal, but the rotund part she has down pat.

Unlike other temperate bears, the Giant Panda does not hibernate. During winter, it moves down to lower elevations to find bamboo and take cover in crevices, trees and caves.

Pandas are protected by the Chinese government and efforts continue to increase their numbers. The State Forestry Administration (SFA) of China and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) work together to improve the panda's population and habitat.

Forest reserves for this animal were started in 1963. In 1990 there were 13 panda reserves. There are now over 50 panda reserves according to the WWF.

Yet the Giant Panda continues to be endangered because of deforestation, habitat loss and fragmentation, and poaching.

And here is the Giant Panda in action. Prepare yourself.

video from BBCWorldwide

Mama gnome now feels like rolling around, munching on leaves, staking her territory against poachers and illegal loggers.

If she meets any such unseemly humans she will radiate panda cuteness on them to ultra power intensity and the hapless humans will run away, run away in shame...

Mama gnome hopes you've enjoyed learning about the Giant Panda.

Please visit her garden soon for the next Mystery Animal of the Day.

In the meantime, munch on edible leaves, stake your claim on Mother Earth and go Green!

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lean Green

A gnome trudged down the aisle, climbed up with much difficulty over the platform and crawled into the ring.

Finally the two fighters faced each other in the ring.

The crowds hushed.

The announcer grabbed the microphone and said:

"In this corner, wearing a green pointy hat and tunic, weighing one hundred th...mmmmmph...Mama gnome please take your glove off my mouth...huh? Fine I won't say your weight...Okay, in this corner, wearing green and weighing ummm slightly less than a polar bear, Mama gnome!"

Mama gnome raised her gloved hands and jogged around the ring, repositioning her hat.

Daddy gnome, gnomelets and a couple of dwarves cheered and clapped.

"And in this corner wearing a rather filthy, soot covered shorts, weighing atmospheric concentrations of 390 parts per million carbon dioxide, the monstrous Global Warming Machine..."

The crowd coughed in unison from the stench of noxious fumes that emanated from Global Warming Machine, planet Earth's mortal enemy.

Mama gnome checked with her coach, Daddy gnome.

Through her mouthpiece, Mama gnome mumbled, "Right hook wind turbine then or should I give him the solar power jab?"

Daddy gnome said, "He looks worse than the graphs, Mama gnome. I'm afraid, neither one will be sufficient."

Mama gnome said, "What about the reforestation dancing jig? Float like a monarch butterfly, sting like an anaconda?"

Daddy gnome shook his head with tears in his eyes.

Mama gnome said, "The reusable bag club? Recycled bottle bash? What? What? Daddy gnome answer me!"

Global Warming Machine growled and hissed. CO2 and methane gases spewed out and blew out a couple of compact fluorescent light bulbs. The troll sitting in the front passed out.

Daddy gnome whimpered, "I love you, Mama gnome. At least the gnomelets will see you fight with honor."

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! The bell tolled.

Mama gnome turned around, pulled back her shoulders and looked at the Global Warming Machine. Armed with the green smolders in her heart, Mama gnome charged...

On October 24, 2009 Mama gnome will face off against this behemoth Global Warming monster. But she will not be alone.

October 24, 2009 is the International Day of Climate Action

On this day, Mama gnome will follow the lead of, an organization founded by environmentalist and author,Bill McKibben. Lean Green Fighting Ecowarriors will launch environmental acts to fight global warming and bring attention to this cause. based their name from the number 350.

photo from

350 is the magic number according to James Hansen, head scientist of NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies.

From Bill McKibben's blogpost, he said:

"350 parts per million is what many scientists, climate experts, and progressive national governments are now saying is the safe upper limit for CO2 in our atmosphere."

"Accelerating arctic warming and other early climate impacts have led scientists to conclude that we are already above the safe zone at our current 390ppm, and that unless we are able to rapidly return to 350 ppm this century, we risk reaching tipping points and irreversible impacts such as the melting of the Greenland ice sheet and major methane releases from increased permafrost melt."

On October 24, 2009, be one of our planet's Ecowarriors and battle against Global Warming to take back our planet.

video from: 350org

Log on to's map of action. Just type in your city, state, country and find out what action you can take part in. This is a global endeavor.

And in case there isn't one close to you, you can decide on your own battle plan, engage in some kind of eco-friendly, "green" action that will help fight global warming as well as emphasize the number 350.

Plant a tree, plant a fruit tree, turn off your TV on that day, be off the grid that day, walk to work, bike to work, ring the bell 350 times, walk 350 steps, something that will help contribute to this cause, bring attention to the number 350.

Mama gnome is jogging and lifting weights, holding off on eating her favorite peanut butter cups (a huge sacrifice for the motherly gnome) for a week, just so she'll be in better shape to battle against the monstrous, stinky Global Warming Machine.

She's consulted the 350 map of action and will ally herself with fellow Ecowarriors on that day.

Mama gnome shouts her battle cry, "Save energy! Save the polar bears! Go Green!"

Ding ding ding ding ding....

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, October 5, 2009

Species Decimating Killer Soup

Mama gnome wonders, "Just how many sharks are killed every year just so humans can eat shark fin soup?"

How about 100,000 sharks?

Nope, try higher.

Okay, 400,000?

Try again.

Alright, if you're going to be smart alecky about it, I'll say a million sharks?

Nice try. But still wrong.

The answer is anywhere from 10 to 100 million sharks, with a median average of 38 million sharks.

Yes, I'm-deadly-serious-look-me- straight-in-the-eye millions of sharks a year are mutilated and slaughtered just so people can have their soup.

Photograph by Laurent Fievet/AFP/Getty Images

"Sharks existed before there were dinosaurs and they pre-date humans by millions of years. Yet, in a relatively short period of time, humans and their technological arsenal have driven most shark populations to the verge of extinction."

And just to be insanely 'consumeristic' and wasteful, some creatures posing as humans...

Mama gnome describes them so because she cannot imagine anything more inhumane...

...these so called humans deliberately hack off the fins and tail before dumping the shark back into the waters to sink and suffocate in the bottom of the ocean or be eaten by other predators.

At the end of this deadly chain are humans who eat shark fin soup mainly for status and show.

The fins reportedly don't even have a taste. They're cartilages.

So people go to restaurants to eat something they can't even taste just for "status."

Some people consume shark products for reportedly "medicinal purposes."

But the United States' Food and Drug Administration warn consuming shark fin/meat is dangerous because of high levels of mercury which can cause serious medical problems including sterility in men, birth defects, loss of coordination, blindness and even death.

The humans who consume shark fin soups or dishes are not restricted to Asian countries.

They are everywhere including Europe and the United States.

The countries who supply shark fins and/or meat include: Canada, Spain (the largest supplier in Europe), United Kingdom, Norway, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore, U.A.E, United States, Yemen, India, Japan, Mexico.

"Hongkong handles 50% to 80% of world trade in shark fins."

According to Peter Knights, Executive Director of WildAid:

"Sharks are the tigers and lions and cheetahs and leopards of the sea. And if we lose them—these top predators—there will be long-term damage...They're slow reproducing, late to mature, more like mammals than fish in their biology—and we're completely trashing them. There's virtually no management of shark fisheries around the world. We're playing with fire."

video from: NYParisFilms

Mama gnome is grateful to Representative Madeline Bordallo of Guam for introducing the Shark Conservation Act of 2009.

"After passing the house, Senator John Kerry introduced the bill into the Senate, where it is currently pending. The bill would make already existing shark finning laws stronger."

What can we do?

Boycott restaurants and businesses who trade in shark fins and shark products.

Let your senator know you support the Shark Conservation Act.

Support laws banning the trade of sharks and shark fins.

Mama gnome urges everyone who reads this blog to educate other people about this crisis:

Sharks are being obliterated,

just for soup.

Please go Green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Mystery Animal of the Day

Mama gnome presents the

Mystery Animal of the Day.

This animal has large eyes, with each eye surrounded by a circle of feathers called facial disc.

Contrary to popular belief, this animal cannot rotate its head entirely backwards.
But it is quite capable of looking over its shoulder 135 degrees to each side for a measly total of a 270 degree visual field.

This animal is usually nocturnal and solitary.

If your guess is OWL, Mama gnome wants to give you a loud hoot! whilst she takes you to her favorite forest, the sequoia redwood forest in Northern California.

Northern Spotted Owl

photo by US Fish and Wildlife Service

The owl's diet includes insects, small mammals and other birds. Some owls hunt fish as well. Owls are natural for controlling rodent population. Though some birds die from eating rodents that had ingested poison or rodenticides.

Owls are excellent hunters. Their flight feathers have serrated edges allowing them to fly virtually silent. The coloration of their feathers allow them to blend in with the environment and become virtually invisible.

Owls also have the habit of regurgitating indigestible parts of their prey such as fur,scales and bones. The discarded parts come out as "owl pellets." Schools can buy these pellets to be dissected in biology or ecology classes.

The collective noun for a group of these animals is parliament.

Does it not bring a visual imagery of a parliament of owls wearing spectacles and discussing important earth warming problems? Yes, it does for Mama gnome.

Owls are often associated with wisdom, depicted as symbols for libraries and universities. The greek goddess Athena was often portrayed with an owl.

Some cultures though consider owls as bad omens and 'harbingers of death.'

But for Mama gnome, she considers the situation reversed.
That man is really the harbinger of death for these poor animals.

According to this report,
In November 2008, 900 of these owls were seized in a raid in Malaysia.
They were 'plucked and "oven-ready" owls.'
In January 2009, 319 freshly skinned Owl carcasses were seized along with 25 hind legs and 22 paws of Malayan Sun Bear as well as 2,330 live clouded monitor lizards.

Chris R. Shepherd, Senior Programme Officer for TRAFFIC's Southeast Asia office, said,
"The number of owls and monitor lizards seized is truly staggering...
This is the first time we know of where ‘ready-prepared’ owls have been seized in Malaysia, and it may mark the start of a new trend in wild meat from the region. We will be monitoring developments closely."

They believe the animals were to be sold to wild meat restaurants in China.

IUCN categorizes the Philippine Eagle-owl as threatened and the Pernambuco Pygmy-owl as critically endangered. Other species of owls also face continuing loss of their habitat.

Here is a video of this remarkable animal.

video from: BBCWorldwide

Mama gnome would be remiss if she did not include this equally fascinating video about owls.

video from: notebookbabies

Mama gnome now wants to fix her facial discs on illegal loggers and haunters trespassing in her habitat.

Here's the virtually silent, virtually invisible flight of Mama gnome owl......

And after Mama gnome is done she will regurgitate pellets of axes, chainsaws and haunting rifles. BWAHAHAHAHA! BWAHAHAHAHA!

Oh, pardon me. Mama gnome got carried away.

Please, help save our forests and owls. Please, go green.

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Mama gnome versus Plastic Bag Monster

Mama gnome woke up with a start. Daddy gnome was leaning over her.

He said, "It's time, dear." He straightened up. Daddy gnome was in full battle armor.

Mama gnome sat bolt upright. She remembered in a few hours she will face the bane of her existence, Plastic Bag Monster.

With a heart that raced full gallop, she dressed in her own armor and stepped out into the hall.

Four good-sized reusable bags filled with provisions the night before, waited in the hallway.

The gnomelets were still asleep.

"Let them sleep, they'll need their strength," Mama gnome thought to herself.

She double-checked the list: hats, sunblock, gloves for gnomelets and parent gnomes, waiver forms, copy of Coastal Cleanup Day pass for car resting lot. Everything looked fine.

While Mama gnome drank her cup of morning elixir (so vital for existence) and munched on her slice of toast with peanut butter, she mentally prepared herself.

'Do not underestimate the creature. Do not pity Plastic Bag Monster. For it does not pity you.'

A tiny voice piped in behind her.

"Mama, are we going to the beach?" Baby gnomelet asked.

"Yes, baby. Let's get ready. What do you want for breakfast?"

"Strawberry cream cheese toast."

By the by, the gnome family piled into the gnome car and drove on.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

They also drove by this: an eyesore for Mama gnome: more hillsides and mountainsides being carved out for urban development.

photo by: jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Elder gnomelet saw this, a flock of birds resting on a water tank.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Mama gnome checked their bearings on the map. Though Mama gnome is a computer savant, she is quite proficient in map reading and navigation.

Finally, the gnome family saw this:

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

They were minutes away.

Daddy gnome drove into the car resting lot and stopped at the other end, not in a resting space, but in the middle of the lane.

"Something's wrong. This can't be it. We're in the wrong place," Daddy gnome said.

"Why do you say that?" Mama gnome asked.

"There's no one here."

Mama gnome looked around. Indeed there were plenty of vacant spaces.

"But the meeting place is not here, it's over there, past the sand dune, past the humans playing volleyball," Mama gnome said. "Oh, look. There are two people picking up trash over there. Let's ask them where we sign up."

The gnome family got out of the car.

The gnomelets kept cheering, "Yehey! We're at the beach!"

Mama gnome called out to the humans, "Hello! Where do we sign up for Coastal Cleanup Day?"

The man and woman stopped and smiled back.

The human lady spoke first, "Over there." She pointed to the same spot Mama gnome told Daddy gnome.

"Oh good, we're not lost. Do you know how many people showed up already?" Mama gnome asked.

"About thirteen," said the woman.

"Really?" Mama gnome's heart sank. Has Plastic Bag Monster won already? How can only thirteen people be here?

"Well counting you that'll be fifteen. My goal is twenty."

"But how about my gnomelets? They're here to help too. I've filled out the waiver forms already and they've got their own gloves," Mama gnome said.

"Wow, really?" The woman smiled at the gnomelets.

"That's great." The man said.

Daddy gnome and gnomelets walked towards the beach while Mama gnome spoke with the humans about their battle strategy against Plastic Bag Monster.

It turns out the humans Mama gnome spotted were special humans.

They are Sarah Kern and Matt Stabile.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blogspot

Sarah Kern was the beach coordinator for that particular clean up site.

She is the Editorial Assistant for Self Enquiry Life Fellowship which is a Santa Barbara based non-profit group.

Mama gnome's heart swelled while she spoke with the kindly humans, clearly her strong allies against Plastic Bag Monster.

Sarah explained to Mama gnome the safety precautions and procedures for picking up trash or Plastic Bag Minions. She gave Mama gnome an orange bag for trash and a white bag for recyclables.

Mama gnome asked, "So plastic bags go into recyclables?"

Sarah said, "No."

Mama gnome shook her head, "No way."

"I'm sorry but no. Only water bottles, the thick plastic stuff, not the thin bags," explained Sarah.

It's true. According to Heal the Bay, "only 1% to 4% of plastic bags are recycled."

Mama gnome trudged towards the beach to search for her family.

Sad thoughts slowed down every step...Only thirteen people and four gnomes showed up...Can't recycle plastic bags...Only thirteen people and four gnomes showed up....Can't recycle plastic bags...We're doomed.

With the gnome family safely suited up with protective gloves, the battle began.

Guess who found and captured the first trash monster?

Older gnomelet.

It turns out older gnomelet's eyes were like hawk's eyes, quite adept at picking out unnatural things half-buried in the sand.

Baby gnomelet's eyes, on the other hand, were quite adept at finding drift wood, rocks and sea shells in the sand. For this Mama gnome was grateful.

After twenty minutes, the most abundant trash monster in the beach revealed itself...
Cigarette remains or as humans called them, cigarette butts.

In twenty minutes, the gnome family captured almost thirty cigarette butts.

In an hour and a half, they've captured almost one hundred and thirty cigarette monsters.

They were tricky. A lot of them hid in the sand. A lot of them had sloughed off their outer casings.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Cigarettes are not biodegradable. They have small plastic inserts that last forever or will over time become smaller and smaller plastic particles that become part of the ocean food web.

Besides the cigarette remains, the second most prolific trash monsters found were plastic bottle or soda cap monsters. Round plastic caps perfect for choking seabirds and other marine animals.

And guess who found the first recyclable material in the beach?

Yes, older gnomelet!

She unearthed a half-buried aluminum soda can. Mama gnome's so proud of her.

The time allotted for Coastal Cleanup Day was almost over. Yet Mama gnome had not even captured a single plastic bag. None. Plastic bags travel well because they are so light. They had now flown out into the oceans.

What Mama gnome found were countless small pieces, unrecognizable parts of something plastic.

At the end of almost three hours of battle, these are the trash monsters captured that morning.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

I know. It looks like it's not much. But if you consider there are almost 800 pieces of cigarette monsters in there and countless small pieces of plastic monsters, they added up to quite a bit for a small group of humans and gnomes.

I tell you this, but Mama gnome's heart has been heavy for a few days now because she thought she would indeed battle with Plastic Bag Monster but he didn't even show up.

Instead he left in his wake, unrecognizable plastic monsters, styrofoam monsters, bottle cap monsters and cigarette monsters.

Mama gnome's heart grew heavier still at the thought of how small the group of people who showed up at that clean-up site.

But today, she read the report from the California Coastal Commission,
a preliminary press release for Coastal Cleanup Day 2009. Here's an excerpt:
With 65% of the cleanup sites reporting, the statewide count stands at 66,550 volunteers,
which should approach the event goal of 70,000 volunteers.

Those volunteers picked up 819,394 pounds of trash
and an additional 89,899 pounds of recyclable materials,
for a total of 909,294 pounds.

The Coastal Commission expects to exceed 1,000,000 pounds of trash when all the totals are in.
Over one million pounds of trash. Mama gnome's heart soared.

Mama gnome also found solace in Jane Goodall's words:

Jane Goodall said,

"It's easy to be apathetic and give up...We need people who can inspire us. One person can make a difference. The most important advice I can give you is to follow your dreams...Never give up. Remember each day differs. And here's advice my mother gave me, 'Your life matters and for each day, we can make the world a better place for all living things."

Mama gnome declares victory over Plastic Bag Monster on this momentous day, the battle of Coastal Cleanup Day.

photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

But the war is not over. Plastic Bag Monster swirls in the depths of oceans and rivers, lurking and waiting for Mama gnome.

And Mama gnome is no longer afraid. For she has found another secret weapon.

Something Plastic Bag Monster would never expect.

Plastic Bag Monster prepare for your greatest enemy....

Older Gnomelet.
photo by: Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Yes, you should be afraid you foul beast. For she has hawk like eyes, boundless energy and indomitable spirit.

She is Eco-warrior.

Please join Mama gnome, be an ally against Plastic Bag Monster.

Arm yourselves with reusable bags and go green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blogspot.