The IUCN lists this animal as critically endangered with "less than 50 mature individuals" in the wild.
None exists in a zoo. This animal does not fare well in captivity.
Poachers are the main culprit because this animal's horn and other body parts are used in traditional Chinese medicine even though it is illegal.
If you guessed the Mystery Animal is the Javan Rhinoceros, Mama gnome wants to shake your hand and she urges you to educate your friends and family about the terrible fate this animal faces because of poachers and people who illegally buy and sell them for "medicinal purposes."
Here is a rare picture of a Javan Rhinoceros in the wild taken by Alain Compost in 1980.

photo by Alain Compost from
The Javan Rhinos live in "protected" areas in Ujung Kulon National Park in Java, Indonesia and in Cat Tien National Park in Vietnam.
Mama gnome placed the word protected in quotes because Javan rhinos continue to be threatened by poachers in these areas. They are also vulnerable to diseases and problems with inbreeding because of their low numbers.
The Javan rhino has a single horn. This animal is smaller than the Indian Rhinoceros. The Javan rhino's hide is gray, thick and has folds, giving it the appearance of armor. Rhinos have poor eyesight but they have very keen hearing and sense of smell.
The Javan Rhino is a herbivore and feeds on fallen fruit, shoots and twigs. It is usually a solitary animal except for mothers with their calves and during breeding.
They estimate only five to ten Javan Rhinos are in Vietnam and these individuals have stopped reproducing many years ago.
Mama gnome was quite fascinated to learn, there once were Wooly Rhinos, just like there were Wooly Mammoths.
Here is an illustration of the extinct Wooly Rhinoceros.

photo from: Charles R. Knight, H. Osborn, 'Men of the Old Stone Age'
Wooly rhinos are gone and Javan rhinos may soon disappear.
And this time man is directly responsible for this.
Please help save the Javan Rhinos and prevent them from becoming extinct.
What can we possibly do to help?
Educate other people about this animal and the terrible effects poaching has inflicted on their entire population.
Visit WWF and the International Rhino Foundation.
Report businesses and people who trade on Javan Rhino horns and body parts. It is illegal. It has been illegal since 1975.
Here is a rare video of Javan Rhinos in Ujong Kulon National Park taken by remote-sensing camera:
video by: DiscoveryNetworks
These animals are on the brink of extinction. Please help the Javan Rhinos and all the other rhinos who suffer the same fate.
Just like a rhino, Mama gnome has poor eyesight. But she has a keen nose and multiple folds in her skin. She will use her armor like folds and pointy hat to ward off poachers.
Become part of Mama gnome's rhino protecting team and Go Green.
(c) 2009-2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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