(c) 2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
The gnome family bundled themselves up. They wore their warmest tunics, long pants, sturdy shoes and pointy hats.
"Where are we going, Mama?" asked baby gnomelet.
"We're going to help clean up the desert," said Mama gnome.
"Yehey!!!" The gnomelets shouted in unison while Daddy gnome tried to wrestle them into their special gnomelet seats.
By the by, Daddy gnome drove the gnome car to Prime Desert Woodland Preserve.
Mama gnome slumped in the passenger seat and sighed. The cold turned her breath into a miniature puffy cloud.
She'd seen low turnouts at the beach for Coastal Cleanup Day and at the park for the 350 International Day of Climate Action.
What would make this event any different?
She promised herself if more than a dozen humans showed up for Operation Desert Cleanup, a carrot cake baked from scratch would be the centerpiece for that night's supper.
After Mama gnome cleared her head of carrot cake imagery, an ugly picture replaced it, the bane of her existence.
Yes, Plastic Bag Monster.
Plastic Bag monster exists not just in our rivers and oceans but also in our parks, streets and even deserts. Plastic Bag Monster's-not-so-secret-headquarters is at the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, joined by his minions of plastic bottle monsters, styrofoam monsters, bits and pieces of unrecognizable trash monsters.
The gnome car drove into the resting lot for cars at the Desert Woodland Preserve.
Mama gnome pulled down her pointy hat and sat up straight in her seat.
"You ready, Mama gnome?" Daddy gnome asked.
"Yes, let's do it."
Two human ladies waited for the gnome family.
Judy, one of Daddy gnome's colleague and friend, said, "I knew you'd come."
"Of course," said Daddy gnome.
"We have some gloves here for you. You'd probably want some for your young ones, " the other lady human said smiling at the gnomelets. The friendly human lady was a volunteer at the Woodland Reserve.
"Thank you. They have their own gloves," Mama gnome said.
"Very well. I'll show you where you can start."
The gnome family and Judy followed the lady.
Mama gnome admired the Joshua trees and beautiful desert landscape whilst keeping an eye on young gnomelets.
photo (c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
The lady stopped and said, "You can start cleaning over there, by the fence. You probably won't get a lot of trash. Be careful. Don't step into rabbit holes and there are coyotes here so keep your young ones close by."
"Coyotes?" Older gnomelet's voice went up.
Mama gnome watched her, afraid older gnomelet would be frightened at the thought of coyotes.
Older gnomelet threw back her head and said, "Coyotes howl like this, AWOOOOOOOOH!"
Soon baby gnomelet copied her big sister and the two gnomelets howled in unison.
"That's very clever. But now listen, remember the rules. Stay close to Mama gnome and watch where you step," said Mama gnome.
"Yes, Mama." The gnomelets said together.
It hadn't even been two minutes, when the first trash was picked up by guess who?
Yes, Mama gnome's secret weapon, ecowarrior, Older gnomelet.
"Look, Mama," she held up in her gloved hand a discarded cigarette end.
"Good job. Let's put it in the trash bag," Mama gnome said. Older gnomelet dropped the cigarette butt in the bag.
Mama gnome though to herself, "Cigarette and dry desert brush, so-dry-they'll-spark-if you-stare at-them-too-long-dry. Perfect deadly combination for wildfire. Some people are so thoughtful."
The gnome family "combed the desert" and within an hour found: countless pieces of broken glass from beer bottles, plastic bags stuck in thorny brush. Mama gnome yanked them out from their snares with long twigs she found on the ground. They also picked up a rusted spring, an old tab for a soda can Daddy gnome said was from the time when he was a gnomelet.
"Boy, that's really ol...um, let's keep going," Mama gnome said walking away from Daddy gnome.
Older gnomelet lived up to her name as ecowarrior and found styrofoam cups, old soda cans, bits of plastic remnants.
Baby gnomelet found a few pieces of trash and found a treasure in a long stick she'd picked up from the ground. She waved that thing for almost the whole time, creating good practice for Daddy and Mama gnome to duck out of harm's way.
After an hour, the gnome family, combed and rid the desert of these:
(c)2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Just when Mama gnome thought Daddy's bag was quite full and stretched thin,
older gnomelet pointed to something colorful and quite unnatural under a bramble.
Daddy gnome walked around the thorny bush and yanked out not just one, two or three but four blankets and sheets.
Daddy gnome hauled them out to a clearing. They were heavy, encrusted with dirt and mud.
"Great job, little one. You saw those blankets. Good eye!" Mama gnome said to older gnomelet.
Older gnomelet said, "Yes, Mama. But look there's lots of broken glass here." She was quite unfazed.
After two hours, the gnome family walked back to the car resting lot to meet up with the other volunteers.
Some of the odd trash found included:
- an old microwave
- two slides from a playground set
- a car muffler including the tailpipe
- one of those plastic cones used to cordon off for safety
- "at least thirty year" old rusted tin cans
- lots of metal scrap
- a spoon
- a disembodied hand from a doll
Mama gnome looked at all the trash collected by the volunteers. Operation Desert Cleanup's tally:

(c) 2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Though the total number of humans who volunteered on that day was less than carrot cake baked from scratch threshold, Mama gnome hugged Daddy gnome and gnomelets and said, "Great job everyone. I'm so proud of you."
Mama gnome said thank you to the kind human volunteers.
She walked back to the gnome car with an exhausted baby gnomelet in her arms, Ecowarrior older gnomelet by her side, and images of freshly baked, chocolatey fudge brownies danced in Mama gnome's head.

(c) 2009 photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Please, keep thoughts of a beautiful clean planet Earth in your head and Go Green.
(c) 2009 all photos and post by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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