Usually when Mama gnome hears the word "party" in a word association game, the following words will pop up:
mingle, converse, painful and slow death...
So when Daddy gnome sprang the following words to Mama gnome, "BBQ and Pool Party,"
Mama gnome's brain exploded with:
mingle, converse, bathing suit, exposed, painful and slow drowning death.
But gnomelets shouted, "Yehey! Swim!"
So the gnome family drove in the gnome car to a land not too far.
Mama gnome distracted herself by gazing at the desert landscape.
She imagined how it would feel if she ran straight into a Joshua tree.
Would that be a really painful and slow death?
She'd probably still have to go to the BBQ pool party even when pierced with thousands of cactus needles.
So Mama gnome sat back down in the passenger seat.
Much to Mama gnome's surprise, the host and hostess of the party were very gentle and welcoming humans.
Hostess human and Mama gnome forged immediate bond especially after Mama gnome discovered Hostess human was a Trekkie like herself.
And so a mini Star Trek convention ensued minus the costumes.
Mama gnome has been a devoted Trekkie for many years.
Take Exhibits 1 and 2

And Exhibits 3 and 4

Mama gnome and Hostess human discussed extensively the latest Star Trek movie and agreed on major points:
Warning: Spoiler Alert! Stop if you haven't seen the movie yet. Come back after you've seen it to see if you concur with:
"That movie was so cool!"
"First time older Spock said 'live long and prosper' was major crying scene."
"Dude, they kept the sound track! Awesome!"
"But you-know-who's-mother didn't die in the original series."
"Conclusion: Movie was set in alternate universe"
"Conclusively conclusion: MORE STAR TREK MOVIES COMING OUT! WOO-HOOO!"
Gnomelets enjoyed the party as evidenced by not wanting to come out of the pool and staying there forever.
So Daddy and Mama gnome had to accompany gnomelets into the pool three times!
Mama gnome considered maybe gnomelets were either baby fishies or sea turtles.
But dropped that idea quickly after youngest gnomelet jumped on Mama gnome's back only as a gnomelet could.
After the party, the gnome family went home and Mama gnome smiled looking at the beautiful desert landscape.
The sun was setting.
Joshua trees unscathed.
And in the words of a wise Vulcan I admire, "Live long and prosper."
lol interesting I guess I'm starting to get your way of writing from reading your post. Lol I also have to say very interesting little feed the fish game there. I was bored was feeding the fish for awhile haha.
Dear Wholesale Banner Stand
Tis a problem Mama gnome has with the fishies.
But they sure are cute.
Thanks for your laughing and understanding my ehemm, way of writing.
You are deep, you get it. you really get it.
Hope to see you again soon.
Stay cool and green Mr. or Mrs. Stand
Mama Gnome
Now, you will have to come over and bring the latest Star Trek (when it comes to DVD...) so I can see your enthusiasm while you watch it. My dad was a treky and I normally see the movies and all but alas I gave up movies for babies. LOL
I am always eager to share my Trekkie enthusiasm with all.
Hope to see you guys soon!
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