Friday, July 17, 2009

Save energy, save the polar bears

YEAR 2050

Future gnomelet asks, "Mama, what's a polar bear?"

Future Mama Gnome says, "Good question. I know it's not a dragon. Some kind of bear for sure, some kind of bear. We'd have to look it up."

"United States Geological Survey scientists conservatively project that two-thirds of the polar bear population in the world could disappear by 2050, including all of Alaska's polar bears." See entire article here:

That's two-thirds, people. Not one-third, not one-fourth. Two-thirds!

Who or what is the culprit? GLOBAL WARMING.

Do you think leaving your lights on in the other room and having all your appliances on all day is insignificant in the whole scheme of things? No it's not. Our actions affect every other creature on this planet including yourself.

Polar bears are Mama Gnome's favorite land animals.

Present day Mama Gnome chants, "Save energy, save the polar bears."

What is your favorite animal? Is it threatened or endangered? You can find out from the IUCN's red list.
Maybe you can share the information with us in the comments' section.

Start saying to yourself, "Save energy, save -------(insert name of favorite animal)."

And make it happen. You can do it. I know you can.

So future gnomelets will know what your favorite animal is.

Now let's see how these energy saving animals do it.

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

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