Thursday, July 9, 2009

Hang your clothes to dry

In a year, I've reduced our electric and gas bills by more than half. It wasn't easy at first. People grumbled, complained... But now, just look at that slick forty-seven dollar electric bill for June 2009. It was over a hundred last year.

Because of this honor, it would be amiss if I did not mention people responsible for all my success:

I would like to thank my daughters who have now learned to chant "save energy, save the polar bears" at unsuspecting house guests unaware of the current Martial Law for energy crackdown.

I would like to thank my husband for purchasing three lovely drying racks. Make that two and a half. One of them nearly demolished by my three year old today. Is this a ladder Mama?

I would like to thank my sister for sticking with wearing very stiff jeans. Able to stand by themselves or walk if you let them.

Oh, I almost forgot to husband again... for replacing all our light bulbs. And I mean all of them, including the one in the garage door opener, into those energy efficient bulbs. I forget what they're called. Not incandescent. No. They're the twisty, swirly ones. Very pretty and quite good for the environment.

I think I'll display my electric bill award. Frame it and hang it up right with the laundry in the empty guest room. And I can literally do that too because my husband pays the bill online. Might as well save stamps and the mailtruck gas.

While everyone else is busy looking at my award, they can shut the fridge, unplug the cellphone charger, unplug the toaster and air dry their hair.

Pays to be green, people. Pays to be green.

© Jenaelha, Garden Gnome's Blog, 2009

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