But 'tis is not the time to be quiet. Mama gnome will speak out against frenemies...
An eco-frenemy, a term coined by Mama gnome, is someone or something disguised as eco-friendly but in reality is an enemy...and therefore an Eco-frenemy.
And she has revealed such an eco-frenemy here.
At this time, Mama gnome would like to unveil a two-faced, sneaky, malarkey, heebie-geebies inducing eco-frenemy....CAP AND TRADE...
Cap and trade...
Aka...Emissions trading.
Aka...The-plan-to-make-money-from-carbon-emissions-but-not-necessarily-have-to-lower-their-emissions-let's-hold-off-on-doing-something-to-actually-solve-global-warming-but-how-about-we-make-some-money-in-the-meantime-plan-thingey, etcetera,etcetera,etcetera.
But don't take Mama gnome's oldie but goldie way of describing things.
This is how wikipedia explains Cap and Trade:
No wonder there's global warming."Emissions trading (also known as emission trading and cap and trade) is an administrative pproach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants.
A central authority (usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a pollutant that can be emitted. Companies or other groups are issued emission permits and are required to hold an equivalent number of allowances (or credits) which represent the right to emit a specific amount. The total amount of allowances and credits cannot exceed the cap, limiting total emissions to that level. Companies that need to increase their emission allowance must buy credits from those who pollute less. The transfer of allowances is referred to as a trade. In effect, the buyer is paying a charge for polluting, while the seller is being rewarded for having reduced emissions by more than was needed."
Come on...Mama gnome understands it's not as simple as shutting down all the coal factories.
But hey...you know what, that's exactly what Dr. James Hansen, NASA's climate scientist, said needs to be done. Not as short and straight like how I said it. But here's the video.
video from: IowaIndependent
Who supports cap and trade? Apparently Exxon Mobil supports cap and trade. I wonder why?
Hmmm. Could it be for profit?
Who are against cap and trade?
All these people laying down on the ground and protesting are against cap and trade.

Who else is against cap and trade?
Mama gnome, gnomelets and let me see...just to prove it's not just Mama gnome and her close relatives...here's a list from Steve Kirsch at Huffington Post.
The list includes Dr. James Hansen, Al Gore, Congressional Budget Office, the inventors of cap and trade, George C. Marshall Institute, Thomas Friedman, Sierra Club, even China, yes China.
Dr. James Hansen said of cap-and-trade, “They are selling indulgences there. The developed nations want to continue basically business as usual so they are expected to purchase indulgences to give some small amount of money to developing countries. They do that in the form of offsets and adaptation funds.”
What does Dr. Hansen and the other people and groups on the list support? Fee-and-dividend
Please read the comparisons made between cap-and-trade and fee-and-dividend here.
Here is a video that talks about Eco-frenemy Cap-and-trade.
video from:vegsister
Mama gnome wants to throw her pointy hat down and just say, "Wake up, people."
Cap-and-trade, should be called Cop-out-and-trade. It's a cop-out, a shriveled up, emission coated and oily cop-out.
Global warming will not be solved by half-measures and flimsy band-aid solutions.
We don't get to do Plan B in case Plan A fails. We're already running out of precious sustainable earth time.
Can we afford to do cap-and-trade until 2050 and say,
"Ummm...whoops..guess we should've done the other one instead. Can you pass me the oxygen mask and the dingy?"
Mama gnome is afraid. She's really afraid.
Cap-and-trade is knocking at the door and a lot of people at Copenhagen is letting him in.
Wake up, wake up!
Mama gnome wants to announce Cap-and-trade when he walks in.
"Distinguished guests of the United Nations Climate Change Conference...please meet our Copenhagen frenemy...Cap-and-trade. Now say goodbye real quick, because Mama gnome is going to kick him out the door."
Go green...
(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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