photo from:Mayankkatiyar
According to the Chinese zodiac calendar, the year 2010 is the year of the Tiger.
Mama gnome would like to categorize it as the Year of the Dying Tiger.
During the beginning of the 20th century there were an estimated 100,000 tigers.
And now a century later, 100 years later, the tiger population has decreased to less than 3,000 tigers in the wild.
Humans have killed off 97% of the tiger population.
Just in the last ten years tiger habitat has decreased by 40%
What is pushing this animal into extinction?
According to IUCN:
"...consider habitat loss and poaching for trade to be primary causes of a significant decline in Tiger range and numbers."
"Despite strong international action to eliminate it, illegal trade persists...Although all countries have banned use and manufacture of tiger bone, illegal production persists in several Asian countries, especially in China, Malaysia, and Vietnam."
"In China there are several operations engaged in intensive breeding ("farming" of tigers), with the captive population reportedly reaching 5,000. They are pressuring the government to allow them to produce tiger products, and several are already engaged in illegal production of Tiger bone wine."
"Tiger farming perpetuates and threatens to re-ignite consumer demand."
video from: BBCWorldwide
What can we do to help?
Visit WWF's Save Tigers Now
Educate family, friends, children about the plight of the tigers.
Don't buy fur, be it tiger fur, fox fur, or any other animal because it perpetuates the problem.
Don't buy tiger medicine. Don't use tiger medicine.
Report businesses or people who trade in tiger parts, products. It's illegal and Mama gnome would like to add..."downright #$#^#." That's why.
Don't buy tiger wine.
And Mama gnome would like to add, "Why in the world would you want to drink wine fermented from the bones of this animal? Or any other animal actually...Drink morning elixir instead, so vital for life."
Part of the problem that is killing tigers is habitat destruction, so be aware of products you buy, paper products which contribute to the destruction of their habitat.
Please visit Natural Resources Defense Council to see lists of green paper products from toilet paper to paper towels.
Use cloth napkins, recycle old shirts and cut them up to be used instead of paper towels for wiping down counters.
Save our trees and forests and save the tigers' home.
Please help the dying tiger...and go green.
(c) 2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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