Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Take That Plastic Bag Monster!

Mama gnome almost fell off her stoop when she read this

Los Angeles Times report:
"L.A. County Passes Sweeping Ban On Plastic Bags"

Please pardon Mama gnome while she whoops and hollers like a mad gnome.

"Wooohoooo! Woot! Woot! Woot! Woot! Take that Plastic Bag Monster!"

The bane of Mama gnome's existence is this wretched creature, Plastic Bag Monster.

It lives and grows in size in its evil lair, Great Pacific Garbage Patch, fed by its minions of trash monsters including plastic bottles, plastic caps, styrofoam monsters, disposable plastic cutleries, take out containers and by its most prolific minion...plastic bags...

"In Los Angeles County alone, 6 billion plastic bags are used each year, an average of 1,600 bags per household a year. Government figures show that only about 5% are recycled."

And for the whole state of California, 19 billion plastic bags a year. Nineteen Billion.

video from: Orbit26200

Last September, California was poised to pass a sweeping plastic bag ban.

Mama gnome was heartbroken when the bill failed.

It was killed by heavy advertising and lobbying by Plastic Bag Monster's creator: the plastic bag manufacturing industry.

So on that cold September day, Plastic Bag Monster laughed its evil laugh.

But today on this cold November day, Mama gnome laughs back at Plastic Bag Monster's face and she says, "Take that Plastic Bag Monster!"

Please bring your reusable bags everywhere: groceries, bookstores, department stores, farmer's markets...everywhere...so you'll always have one to use instead of taking a plastic bag.

Please bring your own reusable containers to restaurants for your left-overs instead of using take out styrofoam container monsters.

Please help Mama gnome defeat the Plastic Bag Monster and go green.

(c)2009-2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

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