The Mystery Animal is threatened by the Gulf Coast Oil Monster
This animal is "especially vulnerable to oil. Not only could they eat tainted fish and feed it to their young, but they could die of hypothermia or drowning if they're soaked in oil."
If you guessed the Mystery Animal is the Brown Pelican, Mama gnome hopes if you go fishing, please be responsible for your fishing lines. Birds become entangled, maimed and killed because of fishing lines.
The Brown Pelican "is the only dark pelican, and also the only one that plunges from the air into the water to catch its food."
They can dive from as high as 60 feet.
Pelicans have a pouch on their throat. It's the gular pouch which can hold three gallons of water and fish.
It's a myth that the Brown Pelican can go blind from diving for food.
What is true?
This animal can go blind from avian botulism
"Avian botulism, caused by eating diseased fish found in "dead" water (overly warm water devoid of oxygen), wrecks havoc on water bird populations, killing up to 50,000 per year. Not only does the botulism cause blindness, it can also bring about paralysis so severe that the pelicans cannot hold their heads up and thus drown."
Pelicans can also go blind from chemical spills which can burn their eyes and sewage which can cause infection.
Mama gnome was also upset to read this:
"Pelican rehabilitation facility statistics in Florida show that 90% of pelicans under care suffer from injuries sustained by entanglement in fishing lines, nets, and hooks. Experts believe that at some point in a pelican's life, 80% will become entangled either in an active line or in discarded line thrown thoughtlessly into the sea."
The Beatles have this beautiful song "Free as a Bird" and Mama gnome is quite sad to realize that birds are not free, they do not have a free life thanks to humans and their pollution, oil and fishing lines.
Here is a video of a Brown Pelican being washed and cleaned to get oil and pollutants off its feathers.
video from: SavingSeabirds
Please see and hear the beautiful birds of the Gulf Coast in peril because of the Gulf Coast Oil Monster
video from LabofOrnithology
Mama gnome hopes you can do one or more things from this list to help the Brown Pelican and other birds
- Please bring your own reusable bags when shopping. Avoid plastic bags or paper bags like the plague. Tons of plastic bags end up in our waterways into the oceans and become part of Plastic Bag Monster minions entangling, killing millions of marine birds every year.
- Please use your own reusable stainless water bottle. Avoid plastic bottles for they are also Plastic Bag Monster's favorite minions which kill marine animals and birds.
- Please do not discard used oil down the driveway. It ends up in the storm drains and all drains lead to....yup, the ocean. Presto, they create their own Oil Monsters in our oceans. So please discard oil responsibly.
- Please visit the site American Bird Conservancy and
- Please participate in the Annual Coastal Cleanup Day as Mama gnome and young gnomelets do. It's an international event and it's on the third Saturday of September every year. You will help save countless marine animals and birds from plastic and trash.
Mama gnome would like to preen and clean her feathers, then she will soar into the sky and dive bomb to snap up Oily Petroleum humans who create Oil Monsters.
Please join Mama gnome and help protect our birds...and go Green!
(c) 2010, Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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