This animal known as the "cheetah of the sea" may be extinct in less than two years because it is literally being consumed into extinction.
It is the cheetah of the water because
"when chasing prey they travel at speeds that can exceed 70 kph"
Mama gnome marvels at how a fish that can grow as big as "4 metres in length and average around 250kg in weight" can still move that fast.
If you guessed the Mystery Animal is the Atlantic Bluefin Tuna, Mama gnome urges you to stop eating sushi or sashimi with this critically endangered animal as the ingredient.

photo from: OpenCage
According to a New York Times report:
On March 18, 2010 the United Nations Delegates at a United Nations conference on endangered species in Doha, Qatar, soundly defeated American-supported proposals on Thursday to ban international trade in bluefin tuna and to protect polar bears.
And just how dire is the situation for this fish? (Mama gnome has reported about the plight of the polar bears a few times before. But she will address the issue of worsening situation for polar bears on another post soon.)
According to this post:
With stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna down 75 percent due to the rapacious appetites of Japanese sushi lovers, the defeat of the proposal was a stunning setback for the Americans, Europeans and their conservationist allies who had hoped the 175-nation Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species, or CITES, would protect the fish.
Mama gnome doesn't even think we should call it "stocks of Atlantic bluefin tuna" because "stocks" give you a false sense of security.
Forget stocks.
It's down to 25 percent of the previous population.
75 percent of the population has been eaten, consumed, wrapped in seaweed and served on a plate. They're gone.
Please watch this video from WWF
video from: wwfus
And here is a clip from the movie, "End of the Line"
video from: endofthelinemovie
If humans prize this fish so much, wouldn't it make more sense, a lot of sense, to conserve it?
It's like the whole world is on fish crack. Yes, fish crack.
Humans are so addicted to sushi or sashimi, this tuna is literally being eaten into extinction.
Why don't we allow this magnificent animal to recuperate its numbers instead of just unbridled consumerism?
Mama gnome urges you to participate in an intervention.
Stop this addiction and talk with your friends and family about the plight of the bluefin tuna.
Seriously reconsider what you order when you eat at sushi or seafood restaurants.
Please, help save the critically endangered bluefin tuna and Go Green!
(c) 2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog