Mama gnome fell on the wooden floor of the gnome house, her housecoat tucked around her like a wilted cape.
"You alright, Mama gnome?" asked Daddy gnome.
"Uh...think so. I dreamt I was saving Planet Earth, that's all."
Mama gnome shook her head because no matter how hard she tries, she doesn't have super powers to save planet Earth.
And Earth needs an Eco-Super Hero now more than ever.
Last Saturday, April 3rd a Chinese ship ran aground into Douglas Shoals, part of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park of Australia, one of the most delicate marine environments and is supposed to be protected.
According to this report, "The ship hit the reef at full speed, nine miles (15 kilometers) outside the shipping lane."
The Chinese ship, Shen Neng 1, was transporting 72,000 tons of coal from Gladstone, Australia back to China. The coal freighter was also carrying 1,075 tons of engine fuel.
It's reported that Shen Neng 1 "has at least one punctured fuel tank."
Operations are underway to stabilize the vessel and unload the fuel.
But from this picture, you can see the long oil slick trailing from the vessel.
photo from whitealley
The oil slick was reported to be 3 km long.
video from current
The Australian reports this disaster has the "potential to become one of Australia's worst environmental disasters."
And Mama gnome would like to add, indeed one of planet Earth's worst environmental disasters.
Mama gnome looks down at her short gnome legs and arms. She can't fly and she doesn't have super strength. She's at a loss.
Where's an Eco-Super Hero when you need one?
Right now, the eco-heroes are the humans working to clean up the oil slicks and prevent further leaks into the waters.
But human action is needed to prevent future accidents like this from happening.
Please help save planet Earth in your own way, do something which has the potential to be help save this planet, and Go Green.
(c) 2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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