Friday, January 15, 2010


Mama gnome asked Daddy gnome, "Are those young gnomelets or monkeys?" for the two gnomelets were climbing over him like young arboreal animals and not two gnomelets who lived in a burrow.

"I think they're wild animals," said Daddy gnome while he wrestled with the gnomelets.

"Alright, let's settle down now. Come here and let's play another game," said Mama gnome. "How about a game of paper, rock, scissors?"

"Alright, Mama. How do we play?" asked baby gnomelet.

"Rock beats scissors because scissors can't cut rock. Paper beats rock because it can cover the rock. Scissors beat paper because it can cut paper."

So the young gnomelets learned to play this game while Daddy gnome got up to drink some of Mama gnome's elixir of life (so vital for existence). The young gnomelets zapped all his energy.

But now Mama gnome wants to talk to you about a different sort of game.

Mama gnome calls this game, "Paper...Rock...Scissors...Trees."

For in this game, paper beats both the rock and scissors and trees win.

This paper is special for it is made from recycled paper. And if it's super special the paper is made with a high percentage of post consumer content.

This means only a small percentage of the paper comes from virgin fiber from trees.

If humans all over the world used recycled paper and paper products and less from virgin fiber paper, more trees will be saved.

According to the National Resources Defense Council:

If every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber paper towels (70 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 544,000 trees.

Mama gnome almost fainted when she read that.

That's five hundred forty-four thousand...trees.

Not weeds, not bushes, not dandelions, but real living, breathing trees.

Please watch this video "Unchopping a Tree" by Maya Lin

video from: unchopatree

Here's a list of special paper products from the Natural Resources Defense Council website.

Please visit their site to see an entire Shoppers Guide for paper products with recycled paper and quite a few made with high content from postconsumer waste.

Please know that Mama gnome's blog is a non-profit blog.

She does not receive or take advertisements and does not receive any sort of money or profit through this blog.

This blog is entirely because Mama gnome's fervent love for trees, nature and planet Earth and she does not want to make any profit from planet Earth's problems.

So the link for NRDC's list above is truly to arm you with that special paper you will need to win Mama gnome's special game of paper-rock-scissors.

And if you pick the best paper with recycled paper made from high content of postconsumer waste then game on...


Please be a winner for planet Earth...

For this new year, be the best darn paper rock scissors player on this planet.

Let go of your virgin fiber paper products...go for Super Paper instead and Go Green.

(c) 2009-2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

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