On March 27th 8:30 pm, the gnome family will switch off all non-essential lights and electrical appliances in the gnome house for one hour to show support for planet Earth.
You may not be aware of this...but Mama gnome has a very uneasy relationship with Computer.
The tuna bone's connected to the turtle bone...the turtle bone's connected to the dolphin bone...the dolphin bone's connected to the whale bone...
I know what you're thinking.
Did Mama gnome add a little something-something to her cup of morning elixir (so vital for existence) drink?
The answer is yes, as in about a cup of good old-fashioned eye opener potion.
How did that tuna get into your sushi? Most likely the tuna was caught with a giant purselike net or purse seine that's sickeningly huge.
How big?
How about a mile deep.
Let me say that again.... One mile...
With Mama gnome's short legs, it can take her a while to walk one mile..
That's how deep that net can be.
Who the heck throws these nets?
Yes, Mama gnome also had the old fashioned notion that tall humans with well-defined arms cast off these nets from romantic boats while the sun rises on the horizon.
Mama gnome would just like to wake you up with a dose of another truth medication.
Just as scary to have factory farming on land, we have "factory fishing" in the oceans.
Here's a video of factory fishing in action using a giant purse seine net, quite capable of catching 3,000 tons of tuna in a single fishing trip.
Our oceans are being overfished by industrial fishing fleets because of insatiable consumer demands.
Mama gnome wants to give a wake up call to all her human friends.
"Wake up my human friends. Have you heard that human saying, there's lots of fish in the ocean?...Well, it's not true. Seriously. It's not true.
Lots of fishes are being caught, marketed, shipped and eaten into extinction.
How are the tuna, dolphin, sea turtle, whales, even coral connected to the same bone?
When these industrial fishing fleets set out to catch whatever they want to catch with their massive football size nets that dredge up the ocean floors, do you think they would stop to save the accidental bycatches of dolphins, sea turtles, sharks or corals? No...no...they don't.
What can you do to help stop overfishing?
Boycott restaurants that serve endangered marine creatures such as the bluefin tuna, whales, dolphins, sea turles, sharks, shark fin soup.
Eating these animals is like eating lions, cheetahs, tigers into extinction.
Look for the Marine Stewardship Council label. Here is the link for their website which lets you "find restaurants or shops around the world that sell MSC certified seafood."
Here's another thing to consider. Become vegetarian. Mama gnome knows this might be a huge challenge. Mama gnome knows for it was her greatest challenge ever.
But if you get past three months, it becomes easier.
Mama gnome just couldn't live with that stomach churning feeling every time she ate meat.
Mama gnome wonders, why would people who love to eat this fish, not want to see it continue to live and prosper so they can continue to enjoy it for years and years.
When will humans learn the tuna bone's connected to the turtle bone...the turtle bone's connected to the dolphin bone...the dolphin bone's connected to the whale bone...the whale bone's connected to the human bone...the human bone's connected to the gnome bone.
We are all connected.
All the animals and plants on this planet know it, except for the humans.
Please watch this amazing video of humans catching tuna the old fashioned way.
"Three Eco- and Socially-Conscious Companies to Watch: One of Them's Wal-Mart One wants to reduce your paper usage, one wants to help non-profits, and yes, one is a big box chain store."
Mama gnome paced in front of the aga stove, back and forth with her arms crossed, her forehead furrowed.
Daddy gnome asked, "What's wrong?"
Mama gnome said, "What's wrong? This...this...Gnomemart...I cannot figure it out. Either all the humans who work there were abucted by aliens and replaced by humanoid eco-friendly aliens...or...or... Gnomemart is no longer an Eco-enemy but is now an...gulp...Eco-hero???"
Daddy gnome said, "Get a hold of yourself Mama gnome, the young gnomelets might hear you. What would they think? Why the whole world must be turning backwards or something. It can't be...It goes against everything we know."
"I know, I know, Daddy gnome but it's right here...Not just one, but two...two posts...Gnomemart is going....Green?"
Yes, Mama gnome straightened out her pointy hat and sat down to mull over these new developments.
Why would Gnomemart or as humans call it Walmart go green?
Apparently going green is the key to seeing Green, green with dollar signs.
Matt Kistler, Walmart SVP of Sustainability, said,
But Mama gnome gives credit where credit is due and Walmart gets high-fives from this old gnome for getting on the right path.
Now when this giant chain removes the plastic bags, also known as minions of Plastic Bag Monster, and instead offers reusable green bags, Mama gnome might need to be taken out on a stretcher.
Let's see how it's supposed to be done in this video: