A wonderful hello to you all who have come to visit this mother gnome once again.
Please forgive Mama gnome's tremendously long absence from her garden.
It is terribly awful of Mama gnome to have neglected her garden for so long.
Spring has visited the gnome garden and the blooms have come out to greet her.
Here is a beautiful redbud tree which the gnomelets love to play by and visit.
Young gnomelets have made a nest in her branches as you can see here with a gem as a ruse for an egg.
They wanted to see if a bird might take lodging in the nest but their experiment has not been successful.
The pear tree has also greeted spring with white blossoms.
Mama gnome hopes to be more mindful of her garden this year. Hopefully you will come again to visit her too.
Spring has come and the cycle of life renews.
Please let spring visit your garden and live your life green.
(c) photos and text friendlygnome.blogspot.com, Mama gnome
Yey! Welcome back, Mama Gnome!
Mama gnome is happy to be back and thank you for your warm welcome, La Loba.
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