The ancient clock chimed and Mama gnome sat bolt upright in bed.
Her pointy hat fell off and landed in a bucket on the floor.
Mama gnome reached down to pick up her hat ignoring the pains in her joints.
She solemnly placed her pointy hat on her bedhead hair and thought,
"There will be a time for aches and pains later. Today, something else will get its come uppance."
For that fateful morning was not any other ordinary morning.
It was the dawn of Mama gnome versus Plastic Bag Monster, Battle 2011!
Every year in the month of September, the gnome family participates in the momentous
Coastal Cleanup Day.
Mama gnome has battled against her nemesis,
Plastic Bag Monster for years. And this time Mama gnome's army included not only young gnomelets (Mama gnome's secret weapons), Daddy gnome .... but also Auntie gnome!!!
(c) Jenaelha, friendlygnome.blogspot.comAt the behest of Mama gnome, Auntie gnome finally came out of her own burrow and joined in the battle against Plastic Bag Monster.
Mama gnome was delighted to find there were a few other humans participating on that brisk September morning.
In less than two hours, the gnome family had picked up over 200 cigarette butts in less than a mile of beach sand.
Over two hundred cigarettes picked up in less than two hours. It is mind boggling.
According to
Ocean Conservancy, cigarettes/cigarette filters was the number one trash item picked up in 25 years of Coastal Cleanup Day.
Almost 53 million cigarettes/cigarette filters were picked up in 25 years.
Can you imagine?
53 million cigarettes dropped in the very sand where humans, gnomes, human babies, children played and walked.
And this is not even counting the countless cigarettes that have been washed into oceans, ingested by marine animals and birds.
Look at this photograph and see how toxic cigarettes can be mistaken for food by marine animals and seabirds.
(c) Jenaelha,
Plastic minions (small pieces of plastic) are also killing the animals. See how plastic can look like dried up seaweed.
(c) Jenaelha,
You can see the rest of the
top ten items of trash picked up over 25 years of Ocean Conservancy's International Cleanup Day here.Here are photos of some of the trash picked up by young gnomelets and the gnome family.

Mama gnome's spirit was lifted when she saw youngest gnomelet sitting and staring at the ocean.

Mama gnome will continue her fight against Plastic Bag Monster for the sake of young gnomelets and humans.
Please sit and stare at the ocean and imagine it free of plastic...and go green.
All photos copyright owned by Jenaelha,