She turned and twirled in her long brown tunic and checked her reflection in the mirror.
Mama gnome has a hot date.
Shhhhh....No, not with Daddy gnome.
Mama gnome has a date with the OCEAN.
This coming Saturday, September 25, 2010, will be the International Coastal Cleanup Day!
video from oceanconservancy
According to Ocean Conservancy's Report:
Of the 43 items tracked during the Cleanup, the top three items of trash found in 2008 were cigarette butts, plastic bags, and food wrappers/containers.
During the 2008 cleanup, volunteers collected 11,077 diapers in the Philippines, 19,504 fishing nets in the United Kingdom, and 1,362,741 cigarette butts in the US.
Here is a seaturtle trapped in an abandoned fishing net.

photo from:
Please visit Ocean Conservancy and sign up wherever you are in the world and participate in International Coastal Cleanup Day on September 25, Saturday. And it doesn't have to be at the beach. You can help cleanup a park, a river, a waterway. Anywhere you can make a difference.
If there is no cleanup action close to you, you can start your own and register it with Ocean Conservancy through this site.
Mama gnome and the gnome family will be heading out to help clean up and take tally of how many of Plastic Bag Monster minions are lurking in the sand.
Please help defeat Plastic Bag Monster everyday, walk with Mama gnome...and go green.
(c) 2010, Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
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