But can this really be true?
Has the Gulf Coast Oil Monster been conquered or "contained"?
The answer is a qualified yes...for now.
According to this post on Huffington Post:
"The stoppage came 85 days, 16 hours and 25 minutes after the first report April 20 of an explosion on the Deepwater Horizon oil rig that killed 11 workers and triggered the spill."Here is a picture of the Gulf Coast Oil Monster taken by NASA on Wednesday,July 14,2010.Between 93.5 million and 184.3 million have already spilled into the Gulf, according to federal estimates."

photo by NASA
The containment cap (Top Hat Number 10), currently keeping the Gulf Coast Monster from spewing oil, was placed on July 10, 2010 and the flow of oil was finally "stopped" on Thursday, July 15,2010.
Could NASA's picture be the picture of the last day of the Monster's unabated power?
The answer sadly is no.
Since April 20, 2010, the Gulf Coast Oil Monster has spewed out a volume of 100,000 barrels or 4,200,000 gallons of oil per day. And oil has spread over 2,500 to 9,100 square miles or 6,500 to 24,000 km. And it has done this for over 85 days.
The Gulf Coast Oil Monster will be around for a while.
Mama gnome urges you to help fight Oil Monsters and Go Green.
(c) 2010, Jenaelha, Friendly gnome's Blog