Sunday, August 2, 2009

Person of the Day

Mama gnome presents the Person of the Day: Lala de Leon

Lala, please tell us about yourself.

I am 40 years old, re-singled, mother to a 9-year old boy named Lorenzo.

Although my educational background is Psychology, I have taken interest in bringing together Psychology and Spirituality in my various involvements in the formation ministry. I do trauma work aside from consultancy work in Psycho-spiritual formation. I used to be involved in social development work involving women and children's issues.

How would you describe your way of life?

Tough one. Let me try. I would like to think of my life as an ongoing attempt to work towards integration and healing.

Integration of the three aspects of my being--body, mind, spirit. I believe that we cannot compartmentalize our life. . . what happens to the body is a mirror of the state our psyche and our soul, e.g., when we are sick, our body is calling our attention to certain dis-ease in our inner life.

Healing and integration go together. . . Since we were to some degree wounded as children, we are constantly challenged to move towards healing of our body-mind-spirit. The goal is so that we may become the wonderful beings that God created us (I call this reclaiming our God-image) towards fulfilling our unique mission in life.

Healing and integration though are life-long processes. . . no one becomes completely healed or integrated. We are all becoming, evolving.

Part of this integration is being one with nature. . . allowing nature to heal us and taking care of mother earth so that we can live in harmony.

How long have you been living your life like this? And are you vegetarian?

I've been trying to live my life in accord with the body-mind-spirit integration approach since my mid-20s but had been "more faithful" during my mid- 30s (as I entered my midlife transition years) That's also when I started my vegetarian diet as I promised to do when I was in my late 20s. But, I occasionally still eat free-range chicken. As in once or twice a year.

Why live like this?

Initially, it was mainly out of a desire to have a healthier lifestyle. First, vegetables are much healthier, easier to digest. (I found out recently too that a vegetarian diet is strongly recommended for my blood type-A) Second, we hardly have free range animals. Most are injected with antibiotics which our body absorbs. Third, I don't want to patronize the big poultry and other meat industries which thrive on practices which are cruel to animals and which are not environment-friendly.

Do you have any goals for living your life this way?

I guess going "vegetarian" and being a follower of naturopathic medicine (in contrast with allopathic medicine) support my attempt to live my life towards body-mind-spirit integration and holistic healing. By not automatically resorting to conventional medicines (which are largely suppresive), I think I am helping my body to tap its healer within and to work on the deeper psycho-emotional issues which underlie the physical symptoms. Given the right conditions (including healthy lifestyle), our body has the natural capacity to heal itself.

I'd like to share a favorite experience. I am one of those who believe that fever is a "friend", that it helps the body fight an infection. Hence, I hadn't taken paracetamol since about 7 years ago. Haven't given my son since about 4 years ago. Had to go against what many docs would prescribe for my sick son. But my son has survived several fevers of temperatures as high as 40 degrees. That is helping the body heal itself instead of suppressing the fever and the body's natural healing process.

Any regrets?

None whatsoever. I have gotten used to having lesser choices when eating in parties and when eating out. . . and this gives me reason to learn to cook my own food--with love! Unless I'm too stressed and cooking and eating are functional activities, hehehe.

I've not had antibiotics for about 8 years and all forms of conventional meds for almost 7 years. Not even Paracetamol.

What advice do you have for people who want to start living healthier lives?

Be clear about your motivations. Know why you want to do it and what you want to do it for. Fad is not a good reason. . . the "in" thing always changes.

And healthy does not have to be bland or boring! Healthy can be as vibrant as the greens and yellows and oranges of the plants we eat. And, when you fail once or twice, don't give up (as our mama gnome would probably tell us). Be gentle with yourself.

What is your favorite book about this topic?

I like the books of Caroline Myss.

Do you think your lifestyle is eco-friendly as well?

Yes, definitely, especially since I also support organic products. I try to buy pesticide-free products. I harvest vegetables from my mother's and our neighbor's garden. I've left one plant bare already, hehehe.

An important decision I made just last year was to stop using deodorant/antiperspirant. These are known to contribute to breast cancer. For a year now, I've been using calamondin (freshly squeezed calamondin) as deodorant. Also a good facial toner. So half goes to my face and the other half to my underarm. Aside from saving my body and our planet from all the toxic chemicals contained by the regular deo/antiperspirants, I also cut back my use of plastic bottles from the deodorant/antiperspirant.

What is your favorite animal and why?

I never thought of a favorite animal. But I think I like wolves for being wild, fierce, and wise. I also like sea birds. I read somewhere that they live on the edge of cliffs especially when they are nursing their babies. Can relate a lot with that. . . as I see my life as being "on the edge."

What is your favorite tree and why?

Favorite tree? Hmmm, can it be a favorite plant? I like the bamboo. It makes the surroundings where it is planted cooler. And I like its being pliant--symbol of resilience.

I like the pine tree Pala. I like the way its leaves are pointed upwards as if to praise and give glory to God our creator.

If you can be any kind of living thing besides human what would it be and why?

I think I'd like to be a bamboo. This is funny because I used to hate it when, as a very thin child, others used to tease me and label me as tikling (referring to the tall and thin bamboo). In recent years, I have enjoyed looking at the bamboo plants planted next block to my house. It's so refreshing to just watch them dance with the wind, bending and flowing as if to remind us that the only way to survive gracefully amidst adversities is to bend and flow.

What's the one thing you advise people to help the environment?

We have only one planet. The most important legacy we can leave for the next generations is a planet that's livable, a planet that can allow them to live life in fullness. All other efforts will be fruitless if our planet is destroyed beyond repair, if it can no longer nurture life.

Any last comments?

Wow, I enjoyed answering this! I hope my simple sharing will help trigger critical thoughts and deep care and compassion for all life--human and otherwise.

Thank you Lala for teaching Mama gnome your human ways and Mama gnome was particularly happy with your earth-friendly tips and insights.

Mama gnome now feels like making a fresh Calamondin facial scrub and standing tall and all bendy like a bamboo.

Mama gnome hopes you've learned something from Lala de Leon.

Tune in again for our next Person of the Day.

Go green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha Friendly Gnome's Blog

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