Sunday, December 27, 2009

Mystery Animal of the Day

Mama gnome is proud to present the Mystery Animal of the Day

This mystery animal is a mammal with mostly reddish brown fur, with color variations ranging from silver to black to "patterning" in their fur.

This animal is native to North America, Africa and Eurasia. It is also found in the United Kingdom and Ireland and was introduced in Australia for the "sport of hunting."

This mystery animal is featured extensively in children's literature portraying characters who are resourceful, sly or "foxy."

If you guessed the Mystery Animal of the Day is the Red Fox

Mama gnome congratulates you and asks,

"Maybe you can read a book to a child and it might just even have a fox in it?"

photo by Malene Thyssen

Red foxes are remarkable animals, able to adapt to different environments from mountains, forests, deserts, farms and suburban areas.

Their diet range from vegetables, fruits like apples and plums, rabbits, fish, worms, mice and they may also scavenge food from trash and pet food.

They generally hunt alone and extra food are buried and hidden in separate areas. The red fox hides food in small portions thus avoiding the risk of losing all of the stored food if found by another animal.

The red fox is burdened with the fate of "fox hunting."

The red fox was introduced into Australia specifically for "recreational hunting" around 1850.

"Fox hunting with hounds" continues to be practised in Australia, Canada, Ireland, Italy, Russia, India and France.

The passage of the Hunting Act of 2004 made the sport of fox hunting with dogs illegal in
England and Wales. Scotland banned foxhunting in 2002.

But Mama gnome wants to clarify, even though the "sport" of fox hunting with dogs was made illegal in these countries, fox hunts continue.

And what's worse is "widespread" illegal fox hunting reportedly continues.

Mama gnome wants to know who really is the wily and cunning creature?

The red fox or the people who continue to hunt this animal for "sport"?

As though that is not enough, the red fox is also burdened by the fur industry.

"Red foxes are among the most commonly bred animals in fur farms, along with the American Minks."

"Today silver fox is traditionally used for collars and cuffs, wraps and stoles, while common Red fox fur is used for trimming and for full fur garments."

Remind Mama gnome again...who is the cunning, conniving, wily villain in the picture book?

The red fox being chased by dozens of dogs into her den with her babies?

Or the red fox stuck in a cage to be skinned so a woman can have trimmings on her coat?

Please watch this beautiful red fox in the Yellowstone National Park.

video by: PBS

Mama gnome urges you to boycott business who sell fur and fur products.

And even faux fur is sometimes mislabeled.

You think you're wearing something "ecofriendly" but it might just be real fur so don't even take a chance.

Educate your family and friends about the plight of the red fox.

Support bans on fur farming.

During this holiday season, wear a coat that will warm you to the core of your heart,

give a truly remarkable gift...and Go Green.

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Mama gnome's Green Wish List

Mama gnome braved walking amidst tall humans milling around with eyes busy shopping and hands close to their money bags.

Yes, Mama gnome went Christmas shopping.

She even ventured into the gargantuan Gnome Club.

Mama gnome saw a human dressed as Santa Claus standing by the tomatoes and radishes and speaking on his phone of cellular proportions.

Mama gnome went home and shared the news.

"I saw Santa Claus at the Gnome Club, " said Mama gnome whilst the gnomelets struggled into their bunny suits at bedtime.

Baby gnomelet said, "Mama...was it a pretend Santa or a real Santa?"

Mama gnome paused for a moment and finally said, "I don't know."

Mama gnome was struck by baby gnomelet's question.

How can she tell if it was a real Santa or not?

As a gnome she didn't know any elves who might be privy to this information.

Mama gnome realized a real Santa would have no difficulty giving her items on her Green Wish List, as long as she was on Santa's good gnome list.

So with fingers crossed, Mama gnome wrote a letter not to the pretend Santa but to the "real Santa."

Dear Santa,

How are you? I hope this letter finds you in good spirits and if not, please help yourself with the plate of freshly baked oatmeal raisin cookies left by the aga stove and don't forget to drink a draught of Mama gnome's elixir, so vital for life.

I'm sorry to bother you but as a gnome to a Santa...please grant a wish or two to this old mother gnome.

I don't know where to start. But this is not the time to be stymied.

Mama gnome's first green wish is a give-a-tree card from arbor A tree would be planted in a forest in honor of the recipient.

This tree would grow tall and majestic for every year my gnomelets grow. This would be a lovely gift for Christmas.

My second green wish would be a stainless steel water help Mama gnome continue her personal battle against the bane of her existence, Plastic Bag Monster, and his minions.

Mama gnome might take up knitting once more and knit a water bottle cozy.

A water bottle dressed up to the nines will make plastic bottles shrink into a recyclable stage.

Mama gnome's third green wish would be 100% postconsumer waste printer paper and eco-friendly ink cartridges.

They would come in handy when Mama gnome finally prints a story she'd been writing for little gnomelets.

Within the bracket of 100% recycled paper, Mama gnome would go bonkers over 100% recycled toilet paper. Yes, toilet paper. Think how many trees would be saved.

Here's a list from the Natural Resources Defense Council of how many trees would be saved if households purchased paper and paper products from recycled or postconsumer waste instead of virgin fiber.

They report "if every household in the United States replaced just one roll of virgin fiber toilet paper(500 sheets) with 100% recycled ones, we could save 423,900 trees."

Yes...423,900 trees saved just by replacing the toilet paper.

Yes, Santa...that many trees.

Now, don't get too comfortable checking off my list because Mama gnome's green wish list also includes....(drum roll)....a Vertical Axis Wind Turbine!

No, it won't poke my eye out.

This turbine is environmentally friendly as in it would not be a spinning death machine for birds. It is even eligible for federal tax incentives and rebates.

It's green power. Does Mama gnome need to say more?

Now Santa, go ahead and finish that cookie because Mama gnome's green wish list has culminated to wish number one: solar panels.

Mama gnome knows it would make your landing on the roof trickier but think of all the green power it would produce and actually help reduce greenhouse gases up in the sky where you have to fly anyway.

Mama gnome knows they could be expensive but there are programs available now where the consumer can lease solar panels, avoiding the costs of buying them upfront.

Mama gnome would pass out if she sees the lovely reflection of sunlight from solar panels on the gnome roof.

Mama gnome said, "That would be off...the fishing hook."

Thank you so much for all the hard work you do every year, Santa.

I think I was mostly on the nice list this year and avoided heated arguments with humans who drove giant SUV's while smoking cigars and wearing fur coats.

So please, please consider my green wish list.

Mama gnome

Mama gnome hopes your wish list might have a "green item or two" in there and if you think of another green item, please don't hesitate to write a note to Mama gnome as well.

But "green" gifts are gifts that show you really care for the recipient, gifts that show you care for the environment, gifts that show you know the true value of gift-giving.

Mama gnome and her family would like to wish you and your family a joyous, peaceful and Green Holiday season!

(c) 2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Candles and a song for Copenhagen

Though it was cold outside...inside the building Mama gnome felt the warmth of meeting kindred spirits of people who came there for the same purpose:

To light candles for Climate Change Action in Copenhagen (COP15) so that nations will work together for a "fair and binding" climate deal that will reduce carbon dioxide parts per million in the atmosphere to 350.

Mama gnome spotted Leah Levitt who organized this event.

Mama gnome met her previously at an event for's International Day of Climate Action.

Leah said she hoped more people would show up and Mama gnome nodded her head, mindful of the importance of this event.

And more people joined Mama gnome and Leah...

They were:

Vianna Friss
Judy Garrett
Geoffrey Levitt
David Perkins
Ulrica Bell-Perkins
Eugenia Regan
Mike Vernetti

(c) photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

The vigil started with Ulrica reading a speech by President Nasheed of Maldives calling for nations and people to sign up for a "survival pact." Below are excerpts...
Scientists say that global carbon dioxide levels must be brought back down below 350 parts per million.

And we can see why.

We have already overshot the safe landing space.

In consequence the ice caps are melting.

The rainforests are threatened.

And the world’s coral reefs are in imminent danger.

Members of the G8 rich countries have pledged to halt temperature rises to two degrees Celsius.

Yet they have refused to commit to the carbon targets, which would deliver even this modest goal.

At two degrees we would lose the coral reefs.

At two degrees we would melt Greenland.

At two degrees my country would not survive.

As a president I cannot accept this.

As a person I cannot accept this.

I refuse to believe that it is too late, and that we cannot do any about it.

Copenhagen is our date with destiny.
....After all, it is not carbon we want, but development.

It is not coal we want, but electricity.

It is not oil we want, but transport.

Low-carbon technologies now exist, to deliver all the goods and services we need.

Let us make the goal of using them.

Mike Vernetti wrote a song about global warming and the need for climate action after he watched the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth."

He performed his song, "Not Welcome Here," at our candle vigil.

His song warns...

"We can no longer wait for just the right time...Life won't be the same when we're not welcome here."

We heard Mike's beautiful voice and words. We want our voices heard as well.

Global warming is a stark reality for all of us... and for many... it is a reality of great peril and loss of their homes and lives.

We want our nations' leaders to sign a "fair and binding" climate agreement that will help bring our planet back from the brink of global warming disaster and on to the safe path for 350.

Mama gnome urges each and every one of you to make your voice heard as well.

Please speak out loud and Go Green.

(c) Mike Vernetti "Not Welcome Here"

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Monday, December 7, 2009

I Warm You Globally...Let Me Count The Ways....

Mama gnome loves to read poetry sometimes.

And one of her favorite poems is, "How Do I love thee? Let Me Count the Ways" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.

Mama gnome thought in honor of the ongoing COP15, the United Nations Climate Change Conference,

she presents a poem showing the severity and gravity of not love...but of Global Warming.

"How Do I Globally Warm You? Let Me Count The Ways..."

I globally warm you to the depths of your oceans and the heights of your atmosphere

My carbon dioxide parts per million can reach, when feeling out of breath

For I sought to end the being of fresh air and ideal blue skies.

I globally warm you for every mile the humans drive

Most earnestly in their clunkers and SUV's.

I warm you copiously, as men dig for more oil

I warm you hideously as men mountain cut and burn more coal.

I warm you with the oil slicks that cover ocean waters

I warm you even more with each melting ice sheet

In my old global warming ways and with your petroleum companies' faith

I globally warm your Earth with greenhouse emissions

I seem to gain every day---

I globally warm you with every tree, coal and fossil fuels you continue to burn- and, if You choose...

I shall globally warm your Earth better after death.

No it's not supposed to be a lovely poem. It's horrific. Just like Global Warming.

Here is a picture taken by NASA dated 2007 showing the amount of Arctic Sea Ice that has been lost because of Global Warming.


Please show how many ways you love Earth and let us count the ways...

Go Green.

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Meet my Copenhagen Frenemy...

Mama gnome can be quite old-fashioned sometimes and speaks in the manners of the old.

But 'tis is not the time to be quiet. Mama gnome will speak out against frenemies...


An eco-frenemy, a term coined by Mama gnome, is someone or something disguised as eco-friendly but in reality is an enemy...and therefore an Eco-frenemy.

And she has revealed such an eco-frenemy here.

At this time, Mama gnome would like to unveil a two-faced, sneaky, malarkey, heebie-geebies inducing eco-frenemy....CAP AND TRADE...

Cap and trade...

Aka...Emissions trading.

Aka...The-plan-to-make-money-from-carbon-emissions-but-not-necessarily-have-to-lower-their-emissions-let's-hold-off-on-doing-something-to-actually-solve-global-warming-but-how-about-we-make-some-money-in-the-meantime-plan-thingey, etcetera,etcetera,etcetera.

But don't take Mama gnome's oldie but goldie way of describing things.

This is how wikipedia explains Cap and Trade:

"Emissions trading (also known as emission trading and cap and trade) is an administrative pproach used to control pollution by providing economic incentives for achieving reductions in the emissions of pollutants.

A central authority (usually a governmental body) sets a limit or cap on the amount of a pollutant that can be emitted. Companies or other groups are issued emission permits and are required to hold an equivalent number of allowances (or credits) which represent the right to emit a specific amount. The total amount of allowances and credits cannot exceed the cap, limiting total emissions to that level. Companies that need to increase their emission allowance must buy credits from those who pollute less. The transfer of allowances is referred to as a trade. In effect, the buyer is paying a charge for polluting, while the seller is being rewarded for having reduced emissions by more than was needed."

No wonder there's global warming.

Come on...Mama gnome understands it's not as simple as shutting down all the coal factories.

But know what, that's exactly what Dr. James Hansen, NASA's climate scientist, said needs to be done. Not as short and straight like how I said it. But here's the video.

video from: IowaIndependent

Who supports cap and trade? Apparently Exxon Mobil supports cap and trade. I wonder why?

Hmmm. Could it be for profit?

Who are against cap and trade?

All these people laying down on the ground and protesting are against cap and trade.

photo of "Chicago Climate Justice activists protesting cap and trade legislation at the intersection of LaSalle & Adams in Chicago Loop" byWesha

Who else is against cap and trade?

Mama gnome, gnomelets and let me see...just to prove it's not just Mama gnome and her close's a list from Steve Kirsch at Huffington Post.

The list includes Dr. James Hansen, Al Gore, Congressional Budget Office, the inventors of cap and trade, George C. Marshall Institute, Thomas Friedman, Sierra Club, even China, yes China.

Dr. James Hansen said of cap-and-trade, “They are selling indulgences there. The developed nations want to continue basically business as usual so they are expected to purchase indulgences to give some small amount of money to developing countries. They do that in the form of offsets and adaptation funds.”

What does Dr. Hansen and the other people and groups on the list support? Fee-and-dividend

Please read the comparisons made between cap-and-trade and fee-and-dividend here.

Here is a video that talks about Eco-frenemy Cap-and-trade.

video from:vegsister

Mama gnome wants to throw her pointy hat down and just say, "Wake up, people."

Cap-and-trade, should be called Cop-out-and-trade. It's a cop-out, a shriveled up, emission coated and oily cop-out.

Global warming will not be solved by half-measures and flimsy band-aid solutions.

We don't get to do Plan B in case Plan A fails. We're already running out of precious sustainable earth time.

Can we afford to do cap-and-trade until 2050 and say,
"Ummm...whoops..guess we should've done the other one instead. Can you pass me the oxygen mask and the dingy?"

Mama gnome is afraid. She's really afraid.

Cap-and-trade is knocking at the door and a lot of people at Copenhagen is letting him in.

Wake up, wake up!

Mama gnome wants to announce Cap-and-trade when he walks in.

"Distinguished guests of the United Nations Climate Change Conference...please meet our Copenhagen frenemy...Cap-and-trade. Now say goodbye real quick, because Mama gnome is going to kick him out the door."

Go green...

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog