Sunday, December 13, 2009

Candles and a song for Copenhagen

Though it was cold outside...inside the building Mama gnome felt the warmth of meeting kindred spirits of people who came there for the same purpose:

To light candles for Climate Change Action in Copenhagen (COP15) so that nations will work together for a "fair and binding" climate deal that will reduce carbon dioxide parts per million in the atmosphere to 350.

Mama gnome spotted Leah Levitt who organized this event.

Mama gnome met her previously at an event for's International Day of Climate Action.

Leah said she hoped more people would show up and Mama gnome nodded her head, mindful of the importance of this event.

And more people joined Mama gnome and Leah...

They were:

Vianna Friss
Judy Garrett
Geoffrey Levitt
David Perkins
Ulrica Bell-Perkins
Eugenia Regan
Mike Vernetti

(c) photo by Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

The vigil started with Ulrica reading a speech by President Nasheed of Maldives calling for nations and people to sign up for a "survival pact." Below are excerpts...
Scientists say that global carbon dioxide levels must be brought back down below 350 parts per million.

And we can see why.

We have already overshot the safe landing space.

In consequence the ice caps are melting.

The rainforests are threatened.

And the world’s coral reefs are in imminent danger.

Members of the G8 rich countries have pledged to halt temperature rises to two degrees Celsius.

Yet they have refused to commit to the carbon targets, which would deliver even this modest goal.

At two degrees we would lose the coral reefs.

At two degrees we would melt Greenland.

At two degrees my country would not survive.

As a president I cannot accept this.

As a person I cannot accept this.

I refuse to believe that it is too late, and that we cannot do any about it.

Copenhagen is our date with destiny.
....After all, it is not carbon we want, but development.

It is not coal we want, but electricity.

It is not oil we want, but transport.

Low-carbon technologies now exist, to deliver all the goods and services we need.

Let us make the goal of using them.

Mike Vernetti wrote a song about global warming and the need for climate action after he watched the movie, "An Inconvenient Truth."

He performed his song, "Not Welcome Here," at our candle vigil.

His song warns...

"We can no longer wait for just the right time...Life won't be the same when we're not welcome here."

We heard Mike's beautiful voice and words. We want our voices heard as well.

Global warming is a stark reality for all of us... and for many... it is a reality of great peril and loss of their homes and lives.

We want our nations' leaders to sign a "fair and binding" climate agreement that will help bring our planet back from the brink of global warming disaster and on to the safe path for 350.

Mama gnome urges each and every one of you to make your voice heard as well.

Please speak out loud and Go Green.

(c) Mike Vernetti "Not Welcome Here"

(c)2009 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog

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