Thursday, September 9, 2010

The Deforestation of Africa

Mama gnome wonders if you knew about the deforestation of Africa?

From WWF:

"A new study co-authored by a World Wildlife Fund scientist documents waves of forest degradation advancing like ripples in a pond 75 miles across East Africa in just 14 years."

WWF reports most logging is illegal. In addition, illegal charcoal burning is done by local people who don't have any other source of income.

"A trade survey by TRAFFIC, the wildlife trade monitoring network, estimated that in 2005 some 96 percent of harvested timber was exported illegally, losing the Tanzanian government an estimated $58 million of revenue."

It's been reported that:

"In West Africa, nearly 90 percent of the original moist forest is gone, and what remains is heavily fragmented and degraded."

Mama gnome wants to emphasize:
  • Most logging is illegal
  • "96% of harvested timber was exported illegally"
  • Poverty forces people to cut down trees or burn trees because they have no other source of income. What happens when all the trees are gone?
  • Almost 90 % of West Africa's original forests are gone.....That's ninety percent obliterated.
Please watch this video by the Jane Goodall Institute:

video by: JaneGoodallInstitute

But what is really sad...the slashing and burning of forests is happening in other parts of the world, Mama gnome is quite stricken to say.

Please visit WWF and the Jane Goodall Institute to read about this and pass the information to other humans.

Please help save our forests and go green.

(c) 2010, Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's blog

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