Saturday, May 29, 2010
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster Catastrophe
It's been over a month since this Oil Monster came to life on April 20, 2010 by way of the Frankenstein company, oil company BP plc.
Just like in the novel and films, BP plc tries to hide and cover its monster, Gulf Coast Oil Monster either by lying, hiding, or worse...incompetently calculating the volume of oil spewing out of this Monster. I think young gnomelet could've done better math than that...
Way beyond what BP estimates at 5,000 barrels of crude oil spewing out..."scientists studying video of the gushing oil well have tentatively calculated that it could be flowing at a rate of 25,000 to 80,000 barrels of oil a day."
Here is NASA's photo of the ugly Gulf Coast Oil Monster taken May 24, 2010
photo by NASA
So far, attempts to stop the Gulf Coast Oil Monster have failed.
Operation 125-tonne (280,000 lb) container dome
result: Fail
Operation: ROV's, BP sent out six remotely operated vehicles to activate the blowout preventer valves
results: Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail, Fail
Operation: "Top Hat" which is a smaller cointainment dome
result: lowered into water but postponed because of the failure of the larger containment dome
Operation riser insertion tube
result: collected some oil, but ultimately not enough. It was removed for operation Top Kill
Operation Top Kill
result: Fail
What's Next?
Operation LMRP or the lower-marine-riser-package (LMRP) cap containment system. "It involves an underwater robot using a saw to hack off the leaking pipe and place a cap over it."
They expect this operation will "last four days," and it'll be the first attempt at 5,000 feet.
Now Mama gnome would like to point out the key words in the quote above, "hack off the leaking pipe."
Um, if someone is bleeding, do you hack off the arm so you can cover it up?
Mama gnome is not an engineer but this operation doesn't sound good to this old gnome. Does it to you?
In addition to what Mama gnome listed, they're also using up til now:
Operation controlled burns and Operation chemical dispersants.
Mama gnome is a strict environmentalist and she would like to give all these a big F for "For crying out loud, fire and more toxic chemicals into the ocean? Give me a break."
And the booms...uh, did anyone notice the massive oil plumes under the surface.
The Gulf Coast Oil Monster is spewing oil underwater.
What in the world are we going to do? about an oil rig in the Arctic Ocean...
Can you just see it? The black and white panoramic view of massive oil spill off Alaska's coast? Unbelievable...
"Shell Oil was poised to begin exploratory drilling this summer on Arctic leases as far as 140 miles offshore."
It makes Mama gnome's blood boil.
Please see this post by the NY Times. Mama gnome's blood pressure shot up some more.
"The federal Minerals Management Service gave permission to BP and dozens of other oil companies to drill in the Gulf of Mexico without first getting required permits from another agency that assesses threats to endangered species — and despite strong warnings from that agency about the impact the drilling was likely to have on the gulf."
"The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, or NOAA, is partly responsible for protecting endangered species and marine mammals. It has said on repeated occasions that drilling in the gulf affects these animals, but the minerals agency since January 2009 has approved at least three huge lease sales, 103 seismic blasting projects and 346 drilling plans. Agency records also show that permission for those projects and plans was granted without getting the permits required under federal law."
The Minerals Management Service Director Elizabeth Birnbaum stepped down because of pressure. No kidding.
Mama gnome is anxiously waiting for the announcement of a moratorium on offshore drilling.
And Mama gnome paces in front of the aga stove, cookies burning, waiting for the Gulf Coast Oil Monster to be defeated somehow...
Please help fight Oil Monsters and Go Green..
(c) 2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Monday, May 24, 2010
Mystery Animal of the Day
The Mystery Animal is threatened by the Gulf Coast Oil Monster
This animal is "especially vulnerable to oil. Not only could they eat tainted fish and feed it to their young, but they could die of hypothermia or drowning if they're soaked in oil."
If you guessed the Mystery Animal is the Brown Pelican, Mama gnome hopes if you go fishing, please be responsible for your fishing lines. Birds become entangled, maimed and killed because of fishing lines.
photo from: Ianare Sevi
The Brown Pelican "is the only dark pelican, and also the only one that plunges from the air into the water to catch its food."
They can dive from as high as 60 feet.
Pelicans have a pouch on their throat. It's the gular pouch which can hold three gallons of water and fish.
It's a myth that the Brown Pelican can go blind from diving for food.
What is true?
This animal can go blind from avian botulism
"Avian botulism, caused by eating diseased fish found in "dead" water (overly warm water devoid of oxygen), wrecks havoc on water bird populations, killing up to 50,000 per year. Not only does the botulism cause blindness, it can also bring about paralysis so severe that the pelicans cannot hold their heads up and thus drown."
Pelicans can also go blind from chemical spills which can burn their eyes and sewage which can cause infection.
Mama gnome was also upset to read this:
"Pelican rehabilitation facility statistics in Florida show that 90% of pelicans under care suffer from injuries sustained by entanglement in fishing lines, nets, and hooks. Experts believe that at some point in a pelican's life, 80% will become entangled either in an active line or in discarded line thrown thoughtlessly into the sea."
The Beatles have this beautiful song "Free as a Bird" and Mama gnome is quite sad to realize that birds are not free, they do not have a free life thanks to humans and their pollution, oil and fishing lines.
Here is a video of a Brown Pelican being washed and cleaned to get oil and pollutants off its feathers.
video from: SavingSeabirds
Please see and hear the beautiful birds of the Gulf Coast in peril because of the Gulf Coast Oil Monster
video from LabofOrnithology
Mama gnome hopes you can do one or more things from this list to help the Brown Pelican and other birds
- Please bring your own reusable bags when shopping. Avoid plastic bags or paper bags like the plague. Tons of plastic bags end up in our waterways into the oceans and become part of Plastic Bag Monster minions entangling, killing millions of marine birds every year.
- Please use your own reusable stainless water bottle. Avoid plastic bottles for they are also Plastic Bag Monster's favorite minions which kill marine animals and birds.
- Please do not discard used oil down the driveway. It ends up in the storm drains and all drains lead to....yup, the ocean. Presto, they create their own Oil Monsters in our oceans. So please discard oil responsibly.
- Please visit the site American Bird Conservancy and
- Please participate in the Annual Coastal Cleanup Day as Mama gnome and young gnomelets do. It's an international event and it's on the third Saturday of September every year. You will help save countless marine animals and birds from plastic and trash.
Mama gnome would like to preen and clean her feathers, then she will soar into the sky and dive bomb to snap up Oily Petroleum humans who create Oil Monsters.
Please join Mama gnome and help protect our birds...and go Green!
(c) 2010, Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Mama gnome's Reached Her Limit and so has Earth
Here's a scary scenario.
Mama gnome tries to stay positive. Think positive and it'll work out.
But according to this UN Report...all these positive brain waves aren't going to cut it anymore.
Planet Earth has just about reached her limit.
We are at the precipice about to tip over.
But please don't take my word for it.
Here is what Ahmed Djoghlaf, executive secretary of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity said:
"This report is saying that we are reaching the tipping point where the irreversible damage to the planet is going to be done unless we act urgently."
He "argued that extinction rates for some animal or plant species were at a historic high, up to 1,000 times those seen before, even affecting crops and livestock."
The UN Report identified 3 major tipping points:
- "The dieback of large areas of the Amazon forest, due to the interactions of climate change, deforestation and fires, with consequences for the global climate, regional rainfall and widespread species extinctions."
- "The shift of many freshwater lakes and other inland water bodies to eutrophic or algae-dominated states, caused by the buildup of nutrients and leading to widespread fish kills and loss of recreational amenities."
- "Multiple collapses of coral reef ecosystems, due to a combination of ocean acidification, warmer water leading to bleaching, overfishing and nutrient pollution; and threatening the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of species directly dependent on coral reef resources."
Please watch the official video of Global Biodiversity Outlook 3
video by: chmcbd
Mama gnome restates these 3 Earth tipping points:
- deforestation of the Amazon rainforest
- dying out of freshwater lakes and other inland water bodies because of pollution
- collapse of coral reef ecosystems because of overfishing, ocean pollution and acidification
Mama gnome likes to think positive.
Nice thoughts are good for birthdays but it won't stop ocean acidification, slashing and burning of rainforests, overfishing and humans' obsessive consumerism to the point of just blatant disregard for everything else.
Mama gnome just wants to say stop. Please stop. Before it's too late.
What can humans do to pull us back from the edge of the cliff?
1. Reduce consumption of meat. Billions of people eating meat is the main cause of the Amazon's destruction. They burn the forests to clear it to raise cattle, to plant soy and grain to feed the cattle. Stop this vicious cycle.
2. Watch your money. Save. What a deal right? How? Stop driving so much, stop using so much electricity, stop using so much gas, stop buying so much take out food and disposable plates, styrofoam, paper. By being frugal and saving money, you're helping save the planet.
3. Reduce consumption of fish. Man. Better yet, stop eating sushi. Fish gets no break. They're not even counted as animals I don't think. Have we forgotten where life comes from? From water. If we kill all the fish and our oceans die out, it's bye-bye land animals as well. Please help stop the vicious overfishing of our oceans.
4. Start a vegetable/fruit garden. This is a win-win situation. If you have limited space, use pots/containers. For families with children, it's great incentive to get the kids involved in the process from the beginning, they can see the "fruits" of their labor and might even eat their fruits and veggies.
Mama gnome urges You...yes you sitting there, reading this... to do something.
Even just one thing, one little thing I mentioned in the list to save the planet.
Can you imagine the power of that times 6 billion plus humans?
Please go green.
(c) 2010 Jenaelha, Friendly gnome's blog
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster Mayhem Continues
On April 20, 2010, a deadly fiery explosion on the offshore oil rig Deepwater Horizon, courtesy of the petroleum company, BP plc, gave a fiery start to the Gulf Coast Oil Monster.
On that day, the Gulf Coast Oil Monster killed 11 and injured 17 people.
Five days later, the Monster grew in size, Here is a picture taken April 25, 2010 by NASA.
photo from NASA April 25, 2010
And now to this...
Just today, May 19,2010, a photo taken by NASA reveals the Oil Monster has grown even more.
photo from: NASA
The Gulf Coast Oil Monster spreads its tentacles above the water and underneath. According to this report by NY Times, May 15, 2010:
"Scientists are finding enormous oil plumes in the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico, including one as large as 10 miles long, 3 miles wide and 300 feet thick in spots."
"Scientists studying video of the gushing oil well have tentatively calculated that it could be flowing at a rate of 25,000 to 80,000 barrels of oil a day. The latter figure would be 3.4 million gallons a day."
Underwater oil plumes that are 10 miles long, 3 miles wide, 300 feet thick. Can you imagine if you're diving and you swim and are engulfed by this plume?
Up to 80,000 barrels of oil...PER DAY! 3.4 MILLION GALLONS PER DAY!
BP plc has not been forthcoming with sharing footage of the Gulf Coast Oil Monster spewing out oil.
Why the censorship? Why the delay?
Mama gnome likens this to when Dr. Frankenstein tries to hide the monster he created.
But much much worse.
The Gulf Coast Oil Monster is real and has truly killed humans, animals, habitat, lives and livelihood.
It's sickening.
According to this post:
Louisiana's state bird, the Brown Pelican is in danger.
It was just recently taken off the endangered list and now to have to face the Gulf Coast Oil Monster when they're quite vulnerable.
What chance do they have?
They've also mentioned 12 other endangered or threatened Gulf species in peril including sea turtles, sperm whales and birds.
video from: DiscoveryNetworks
What can we do to prevent spawning new Oil Monsters?
Please log on to's action page to ban OffShore Drilling
Please be aware of your dependency on oil. Limit driving and dependency on oil as much as you possibly hurting can.
And Mama gnome's previously listed BP plc's products which she will list again if you're NOT interested in them:
- BP petroleum and derived products
- BP service stations
- Air BP Aviation Fuels
- Castrol motor oil
- ARCO gas stations
- am/pm convenience stores
- Aral service stations solar panels
Please help fight Gulf Coast Oil Monsters and Go Green!
(c) 2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Monday, May 10, 2010
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster Mayhem
This Oil Monster, born out of explosion and fire on April 20, 2010, continues on its path of mayhem and destruction.
photo from: NASA April 25,2010
Five days later, this is what the Gulf Coast Oil Monster looked like May 1, 2010
photo from: NASA
The Gulf Coast Oil Monster's creator is the company BP plc (formerly known British Petroleum plc)
Mama gnome has written about this company's involvement in creating other environmental disasters.
But their latest spawn, the Gulf Coast Oil Monster is predicted to take down the Exxon Valdez monster.
Actually, this monster is predicted to be "the worst US oil disaster in history."
How's that for monstrosity?
This is not a fantastical story. It is horrifically True.
Mama gnome would like to say BP plc wins an award for doing a tremendous-I-can't-believe-they-even-started-this-rig-and-bloody-can't-deal-with-this--tear-my-hair-out-mess-awful job in trying to control their monster.
Please pardon Mama gnome. She's terribly upset. Well, aren't you?
Okay, Mama gnome would like to narrate BP plc's pathetic attempts in a somewhat cohesive manner.
First, they sent an ROV (remotely operated underwater vehicle) to try to close the rig's blow-out preventer. As of May 2,2010, they've sent out six, not two, not three, not even five, but six ROVs to close the valve. And as you can tell. They've all failed.
Here is a video of an ROV trying to close that valve. You can see the Gulf Coast Oil Monster belching and spewing oil.
video from ecoversity
Second, they've tried placing a humongous dome over the gushing oil pipe. Here's a picture of the plan.
photo from: Wikid77
And the result was a resounding failure.
Next they're drilling a relief well.
Mama gnome asked they can do that? Well, guess what? It's only going to take them oh I don't know...two to three months!
So Mama gnome would like to give them a big failing F grade and off blog Mama gnome would like to say the F stands for something else.
BP plc, as they rightfully should, continues to come up with ideas to try and control the Gulf Coast Oil monster according to this report by Robert L. Cavnar on Huffington Post
Mama gnome would like to list them here for you:
- "top hat"
- "junk shot"
- "top kill" also known as "bullheading"
You think Mama gnome's been putting something into her morning elixir drink (so vital for life)?
No, please read Mr. Cavnar's post. And here is a small bit of what Robert Cavnar said:
"One very strong impression I have is just how unprepared BP was for an incident of this magnitude. They have had to manufacture all of these devices on the fly, including the manifold they are currently setting next to the wellhead. They are taking suggestions from anyone and everyone who wants to call, and seem willing to try almost anything."
For anyone interested here is a list of BP plc's products.
Anyone NOT interested is what Mama gnome means.
- BP petroleum and derived products
- BP service stations
- Air BP Aviation Fuels
- Castrol motor oil
- ARCO gas stations
- am/pm convenience stores
- Aral service stations solar panels
Mama gnome would like to call on an eco-super hero to defeat this monster.
And that mild-mannered, even-keeled super hero is YOU!
Please go green and help save planet Earth.
(c) 2010, Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster
The story of the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster...
On April 20, 2010, the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig caught on fire from an explosion and sank two days later. 11 workers are still missing and presumed dead.
The Deepwater Oil Rig was hired by BP plc, formerly British Petroleum Company plc.
Cue the scary music because Mama gnome found out this is not the first time BP plc has been involved in environmental disasters.
BP plc was also responsible for:
- October 2007, a toxic spill nearly 2,000 gallons of mostly methanol onto Prudhoe Bay
- "In August, 2006, BP shut down oil operations in Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, due to corrosion in pipelines leading up to the Alaska Pipeline. BP had spilled over one million litres of oil in Alaska's North Slope."
- "On March 2005, the Texas City Refinery, one of BP's largest refineries in the USA exploded in 2005 causing 15 deaths." BP plc was fined $87 million by the US OSHA(Occupational Safety and Health Administration).BP plc's "cost-saving measures" cut out maintenance and safety measures thus neglecting to correct safety hazards all in the name of saving money.
And now BP plc is involved with this ongoing environmental disaster off the coast of Louisiana that Mama gnome calls the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster.
photo from: NASA
It truly is a terrible monster for they estimate over 5,000 barrels of oil is spewing into the ocean every day. But that number may be much higher if the structure continues to deteriorate.
This Oil Spill Monster may be responsible for the 20 sea turtles found dead along the Mississippi beaches this weekend.
This Oil Spill Monster is so terrible it...
"will have eclipsed the Exxon Valdez in terms of total gallons of oil before the weekend is over -- making it the largest oil spill in U.S. history -- according to calculations made by oceanographer Ian MacDonald after studying aerial Coast Guard photos taken earlier in the week."
Mama gnome's hair is standing on end at the thought that
"...the spill could surpass the Exxon Valdez disaster that poured 260,000 barrels of crude into waters off Alaska in 1989."
This Oil Spill Monster is poised to destroy precious habitat: marshes, wetlands, beaches.
This Oil Spill Monster is poised to destroy the livelihoods of Gulf Coast fishermen.
video from timesofearth
Mama gnome wishes she had super gnome powers to defeat the Gulf Coast Oil Spill Monster.
Mama gnome dreads the thought that offshore drilling will continue and expand into "once protected areas "and more Oil Spill Monsters will spawn.
How can we have a happy ending to this horror story?
Mama gnome is afraid there is no happy ending.
But we can help prevent the spawning of new Oil Spill Monsters.
Log on to's action page to ban offshore drilling.
Please do not throw away discarded car oil down the driveway, dripping onto streets and finally into storm drains. They all end up in the ocean.
Discard them responsibly, because if you don't you will be creating your own oil spill monster.
Please help save our oceans and Go Green...
(c)2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog