She dreamt she'd fallen off the edge of planet Earth.
In her dream whilst she was freefalling through open space, Mama gnome was surprised to find the air off the edge of the planet was actually super darn nifty clean.
"Now how about that?" Mama gnome muttered while she rubbed her eyes and placed her pointy hat on her head.
She got up, slipped on her dragon slippers and trudged to the kitchen to drink a cup of her morning elixir so vital for existence.
Mama gnome drank from her mug and perused the news for green issues, a daily ritual for Mama gnome.
She spluttered and coughed when she read this post by Brad Johnson.
Mama gnome's dream wasn't a dream. It was a nightmare.
And her nightmare had come true.
Democratic Senator Blanche Lincoln of Arkansas, is cosponsoring legislation introduced by Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski of Alaska to block the Environmental Protection Agency's efforts to regulate greenhouse gases under the Clean Air Act.
And these Senators are not alone.
"Three Democrats (Landrieu, Lincoln, and Ben Nelson of Nebraska) joined every Republican except for Collins & Snowe of Maine, DeMint (SC), and Ensign (NV) in co-sponsoring the resolution, which would overturn the Supreme Court-mandated and science-based endangerment finding for greenhouse gases."
video from: progressivemediavid
Planet earth must be deflated flat for there is no other logical explanation why these people would oppose the United States Clean Air Act and propose Senate Joint Resolution 26, also called the "Dirty Air Act" by environmentalists.
And as Mama gnome likes to call it the Dirty Trick Act and off blog she would like to call it... something else.
Mama gnome urges you to oppose the Dirty Air Act.
What are the repercussions if the Clean Air Act was effectively opposed by legislation?
Well the world might as well be flat for it seems our logic and reasoning has gone backwards.
For all US greenhouse emitting monstrous corporations that burn oil, burn coal, burn fossil fuels and burn whatever else that emits greenhouse, global warming, air polluting-rooting-tooting-burn-your-lungs stuff...these companies would just have a giant party at our expense for they can just kiss emission capping, greenhouse regulation stuff goodbye.
Goodbye Clean Air.
Hello Dirty Air.
Please contact your senators and tell them you oppose Senate Joint Resolution 26, aka Dirty Air Act.
We don't have barriers limiting air to the United States, air to France, air to China.
Air permeates all over planet Earth.
Help stop the Dirty Air Act.
Help planet Earth keep whatever clean air she has left, whatever decency she has left.
Tell your Senators, "Wake up! Planet Earth is not flat!" and Go Green!
(c) 2009-2010 Jenaelha, Friendly Gnome's Blog